Personal Message

♡ showers you with love ♡ - Min

A small gift from Thanatos.

1063487.jpg?v=571kim yerim. 2 minutes ago Reply

✩ jeon jungkook. 1 minute ago Reply
wowie yerim looks nice

not as nice as you <3
dong sicheng. 1 minute ago Reply
always say no to the seed!!!*

*only if your name is 
1063331.jpg?v=881kim taehyung. [A] 40 seconds agoReply
n o
k eeps b u rito!kook c lose
c oughs i m ean- keep your clot he s on
kim jiho. 1 minute ago Reply
my name is jiho and i like big puppies
cute and wild and so so fluffy
they bark and scratch and pee when young
but without
them i know i'd have a collapsed lung
puppies are my best friend
i love them to death
i got one now i'd run out of breath
✩ park jimin. 31 minutes ago Reply
my love for is like menstruation
red and it makes me want to cry
kim jiyeon. 1 minute ago Reply
junglook at me now
jungkook ring
jungfook you
captain junghook
jungsook it up
jungtook tae's heart



hi i've come to intrude on your profile just bc i c a n
this is an aju noice p ro file- but no t as ni c e as your thighs f ace
d ou b le taps your e xi sten ce
ok by e -taehng




19 Y/O







about me!

Hermes. Messengers to the gods, god of trade, travel, athletics, and guide to the Underworld for the doomed souls. Jungkook. Professional dancer to the masses, known for his quick feet and shining smile. Loved for his seemingly endless amounts of talent, dancing, singing on the side, and the occasional random good deed that gets his face all over the front pages of people's Facebooks. He charmed everyone with his endless amounts of kindness, yet no one knew or understood why Jungkook was like that.

Tasked with the job of being the link between the mortals and the divine on Mount Olympus and further, Jungkook's a naturally protective soul. Even in his human state, he finds it his duty to risk anything if it benefited either himself or the humankind. Even risking his own life or the lives or dignity of his brothers and sisters. He's cunning and witty, good at tricking and twisting reality in the minds of people and very adamant in his own ways. He might be a disguised god but he acts no different to how he was before. Sneaky and stealthy, he's nice to humans he befriends, already exuding a bright and eager aura. What he does for other people may seem drastic in people's eyes, but to Jungkook, it's his mortal duty.

The word "weakness" does not exist in Jungkook's vocabulary. He has himself well put and together for the most part. Though with just how determined he gets to help people or himself, he can get rather hard-headed. He masks that small flaw with his charm, some claim just him speaking can make a person understand everything and calm down. In his immortal form, he uses his lyre or flute to charm the gods and monsters of Ancient Greece into doing what he wanted. As just his mortal self, he takes advantage of his good looks or his sweet voice to charm people into trusting him and it easily gives him the upper hand. Another trait that seems to have everyone simply go along with him is that he usually is the middle man, if he sees conflict and is tempted to help, he looks at it from the outside and defuses the situation that way.


character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]



scenarios (eventually rip)


title here

Vestibulum euismod arcu in ultrices scelerisque. Nulla sagittis aliquam ex, at semper leo rutrum non. Cras ac tortor eu mauris tempor gravida et et risus. Integer at venenatis risus. Quisque lacinia turpis commodo dolor vehicula lobortis. Phasellus iaculis dapibus purus nec dictum. Etiam venenatis, purus eget fermentum aliquet, est erat mollis erat, id bibendum augue est sed felis. Morbi quis ullamcorper metus.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

In rutrum ante eget tincidunt imperdiet. Aliquam efficitur, dui quis facilisis pulvinar, libero erat tempor massa, viverra tempor nunc neque sit amet mi. Quisque dapibus metus odio. Quisque a mauris diam. Aenean eu finibus leo. Nulla eu lorem a leo varius elementum. Nulla ut dapibus metus, vitae vestibulum mi.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

Sed vestibulum orci eget dictum ultricies. Curabitur malesuada quam ac lorem placerat maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque nisi lacus, varius eget ipsum et, scelerisque rutrum erat. Etiam in hendrerit velit. Pellentesque erat arcu, mollis quis erat ultrices, mattis pharetra arcu.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

Maecenas aliquam lacus eu sem finibus consectetur. Sed euismod, urna ac semper mollis, ex nisi auctor neque, non euismod risus tellus nec lacus. Integer lectus lectus, ullamcorper ut placerat id, vehicula dictum felis. Nulla laoreet felis eu ligula placerat luctus. Nullam ut turpis mauris. Fusce vitae mauris vestibulum, aliquet velit blandit, vestibulum risus. Nunc malesuada varius maximus. Phasellus et justo sem. Curabitur in vehicula nibh, a scelerisque ex.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.


out of character


001  I swear, I'm not mean or unapproachable, I'm just a little insane but still don't be afraid to approach me ooc and ask me something, I love new friends omgomg (ó ꒳ ò✿)

002  But that also doesn't mean I'm not serious when it comes to roleplaying, just send me a wall msg and I'll get to everyone. I'm forgetful tho, fair warning. I do detailed 1st and 3rd POV. For 3rd POV replies, it will take me a little bit to finish a reply for you, depending on the length. If it's para/multi-para, quicker replies. I'm more than open for novella and such, but it will take a while lol pATIENCE IS AMAZING. P.s doesn't mind being poked, only after a couple days. I'm always in rooms too so you can nudge nudge me there < 3

003 I'm very very ing slow with replies, sometimes I'll take half an hour to an hour and other times it takes a couple days. It's a bad habit, sorry.

004 I'm open to any genre and any rating, all context is alright with me but needs to be discussed first, as well.

005 That's about it! Don't be afraid to ask to rp, I'm not scary istg < 3.



rooms (78%)


walls (45%)


reply speed (51%)


writing style

detailed script / action (92%)


paragraph (21%)


multi-paragraph (69%)


novella (64%)