


Choi jinri
°Her favour is notability, and her wrath is scandalous rumors.

— Anonymous

Pheme is the last daughter of Gaia, and is the Goddess of Gossip and Rumors. She loves to stir up quite a bit of trouble in Mount Olympus, for she's not all that popular and in order for her to get more attention, she spreads rumors and tells secrets that others don't want to be known. In her goddess form, she has wings and a giant trumpet she uses to spread rumors with. In the mortal world, she spreads rumors and gossip either via word of mouth or via social media. If Sulli aka Pheme doesn't spread rumors or gossip in a long period of time, she gets restless, annoying and bored. When there is no juicy gossip, she makes stuff up and spreads it herself. While spreading gossip or rumors, she does it as a whisper at first, but that whisper soon turns into a loud shout of whichever rumor or piece of gossip she may be telling at the time. This is also the case in the mortal realm, for she can't help it. Therefore it makes her an outcast. She works as a cafe waitress and goes around whispering rumors to her customers and fellow workers until drama starts to brew. When she gets angry, she spreads malicious lies about people and won't stop until she's satisfied. In the mortal and immortal realms, Sulli is very manipulative too, she will do anything to get a good story that she can spread.


love of my life



Donec porta est eget leo porta convallis. Nam placerat, purus vitae ultrices feugiat, velit enim malesuada lectus, sed sollicitudin magna massa in augue. Nullam consequat ac velit eu lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra enim et nibh ullamcorper tempor.


out of character

01 Sed ac nisl justo. Duis erat quam, dictum vitae lacus vel, blandit aliquam lacus.

02 Proin fermentum felis eu dui ultricies volutpat.

03 Aliquam erat volutpat.

04 Pellentesque pellentesque convallis ligula in dignissim.

05 Integer volutpat non ligula eget posuere.



Plot title here

Morbi pulvinar commodo mauris ac mattis. Aliquam facilisis a nulla a sagittis. Vivamus et tortor purus. Duis quam odio, molestie sed enim vel, porttitor finibus leo.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nullam convallis, diam sit amet finibus tincidunt, dolor tellus tincidunt risus, vitae eleifend nisl erat et ante. Aliquam vel ornare massa. Duis in aliquam lectus, at dapibus libero. Aenean at metus a mi rhoncus auctor. Quisque eu porttitor augue, eget placerat urna. Vivamus consectetur fringilla nisl, vel vestibulum lacus aliquet in. Nam non quam in est porta finibus in vitae urna. Vivamus vel rhoncus mauris.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nam nec tortor eu eros rhoncus ornare vel et nibh. Aliquam ex ipsum, rhoncus id consequat id, molestie quis ante. Duis dapibus risus ac mauris iaculis, id lacinia augue tincidunt. Duis efficitur sem placerat metus ornare aliquam. Quisque hendrerit iaculis nulla, eu dictum nibh vehicula pretium. Nulla facilisi.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.