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◔ Kim Himchan 23 seconds ago Reply 

i need to reply jun and his beautiful writing :'')
scroll right

i could be your liability
- PJ.

ing your honor student.
- PJ.

 About me

There once was a boy - nah, let's not start it that way. Park Junhee was born into a small family. Small being his two parents and himself. They didn't feel the need for a second child, barely there to raise the first. While Junhee's parents weren't big hotshots in the business scene they both worked pretty highend jobs for corporate monsters. It was expected of Junhee to keep up appearances at school and in public just so their name would remain untarnished. So they had the chance of becoming bigger in the future. It's safe to say that this obviously did not happen.

Due to his parents neglect Junhee soon adopted a method of gaining attention. He would act out, breaking things or not turning in his work just so his parents would look at him once. When his behavior started getting worse Junhee clearly remembers his mom calling him an attention (which is actually the first curse he's ever heard her say). 

After a minor scuffle in Junhee's freshman year at a different prep academy he was dropped faster than dead fly. As his parents didn't want the news to spread among other schools they allowed Junhee to enroll into the public school system. This is where he learned it's a dog-eat-dog world and that you have to fend for yourself to get what you want. The boy started going by Jun instead of his full name, and adopted the delinquent lifestyle after learning to fight. His parents quickly cut off his funds in Jun's third year of schooling, leading to him taking up the protection of preps from across the way.

Now, Jun's parents are trying to convince him to go to the neighboring academy since "the incident" happened a few years ago but the boy refuses. There's nothing a prep school can teach him that he doesn't already now. Besides, past grudges against his family (forced dates, cruel punishment & more) has left Jun depending on only himself. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



 Out of Character

3rd - para, semi, mirror
detailed 1st (rarely)
gmt-5 / eastern time

 no one-liners
 plotting is a must
 don't poke until a week passes
 sometimes my replies are slow
 random starter = maybe

rp tracker
yoon jeonghan • wall • replied

Taebae - I love Jun so much oh my god nobody tOUCH him.

Hwasabi - what a precious thing ; w ;


Junbug - *rubs my biscuits on tae's gravy hands* LOOK AWAY.
Taebae - Okay but I actually love Junhee.

Junbug - but you're my precious joshie ; A ; 
Joshie - ///////

Taebae - Okay wait but can we all stop for 3 seconds and love on Junbug and appreciate what he's doing for running a smooth af rp all by himself? Like it's not like this place has 4 people in it and this boy is busy af but he's making it. ♡

Taebae - I love Jun so much. I stan him. He's so organized.

Jimbaby - junbuns is everyone's ult.

Joshie - elbow everyone out of the way jUNE HYUNG IS MINE he's too cute ;;


princess»slice of life»taken
jun spots you walking out of the prep academy, all confident and pleased with yourself. he wonders if you know about the group of thugs on your tail and decides to follow you home. you mistake him for the attacker but with way less experience than him you can't get away. it's only when he explains that you're being followed by someone else that you immediately ask for his help. one tiny problem is the fact that now the thugs think you're dating, and in order to stay safe you have to keep up the act.

death row» violence, friend» open
as a fellow delinquent you know the price you have to pay for putting yourself out there. even so, finding jun beaten and lying on the sidewalk pushes you to help the boy. he's a little embarrassed as this doesn't usually happen but accepts your help and soon the two of you become friends.

your body», friend»taken
ever since jun was introduced to the public school system you've been something of a best friend, not to mention most of his firsts as well. first kiss, first dance, first . you two often fool around at the worst times (during school, in a public restroom + more) but it feels good anyways. 

bright lights»»taken
frequenting the club on a daily basis it's no surprise that jun finds someone to go home with. he didn't really plan on ing tonight but something about you just attracts him. after dancing together in the club, with the sun down a light buzz in his system, jun asks you to take him home. 

baby boy»fluff, friend»open
you're basically like a younger brother to jun. he's never had a sibling to take care of before, but for some reason he just likes hanging out with you. it's all fun and games between the two of you and jun loves the break and rest he can get when you're around.



Park Junhee  19 years old  Delinquent  Panual  Single  Credits

♦  ♦  ♦