Personal Message




basic info

name: kim yeonhak
age: twenty-four
affinity: earth
pack status: omega
clan: solarius
relationship status: Taken



born to an earth mother and father, yeonhak is the epitome of the affinity. he's blunt as a boulder, about as eloquent as a wine glass full of dirt, and physically he has the physique of a blade of grass—thin and sharp, but pleasingly musical in the right hands. he prefers to stay outside, considering the indoors to be too stuffy most of the time. he was always the rough and tumble kid, and to him it never mattered that he wasn't an alpha, or even a beta. The way he sees it, he'll take his ration of from his "betters" when he needs to, but if anyone ever looks down on him for his status they had better watch out. A 5'10", wiry omega with a baton and a taser on his hip, and a license to use them to keep order on campus, is not an enemy you want to make.




Partner: kim donghyun
Since: 17/05/2017
there's this quote from lao-tzu, supposedly, that says, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." If I could ever put our relationship into words it would be those. i was always too scared to fall in love—love messes people up, y'know?—then i met him and i was screwed from day one. he's this beautiful mess of a person: he's sweet, loving, a little too openly flirty, and damn gorgeous too, but too blind to see it. i wasn't scared anymore though. all i can think about anymore is keeping him standing, and being next to him. like, that's how i want to take on the world, you know? just me and him. i'd run through fire for him. i just hope someday, maybe when we're older, he gets that same sort of feeling from me, and maybe he'll stop being scared too.


out of character

01. my name is nicole, but you can call me nikki, or nick.
02. i live in utc -7/pdt.
03. i'm a full-time student and i work part-time.
04. my default style is detailed first pov, ask if you want third.
05. ask ahead if you want to rp something "dark" or violent.
06. if/when i get moody and leave a room:
      — concern, pms, and/or wall posts are appreciated.
      — tagging me to drag me back into the room is not.



donghyun – ( the path ): replied
donghyun – ( walls ): replied
name – ( room/walls/etc. ): Status
name – ( room/walls/etc. ): Status
name – ( room/walls/etc. ): Status
name – ( room/walls/etc. ): Status


hall of shame