Closing Down, Possible Revamp


Guys, I'm sorry for disappearing and not being active, but I think I'm going to be closing down the rp. It was fun while it lasted, but I got busy and lost interest. I'm terribly sorry for this ; n ; I don plan on making a new rp- not sure if it will be just or all types yet. It'll probably stay a similar concept. Comment or PM my main account if you are interested in joining but for now, I guess it's farewell. I won't be deleting it so you can continue your current rp or what not- just not accepting any more members.  


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itward 9 years ago
i understand why you are closing
please send me the link of the new rp when you are finished ^^
exhaustipated- 9 years ago
;-; jinxing. I can understand that you want to close it. ;-;
Please give me the link to your new rap. I will have to talk to jin. ;-;
Little_Rebel_Leader 9 years ago
So the rp will stay and we can just continue rping here? ;o; Cuz I love this place and would be terribly sad if it were completely removed... ToT
940a34318b6595af43f6 9 years ago
Oh wow -pouts- this was likeon of the rp's i always reponded tok x
Yeah i shall join your new one if you make a new one xF
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