Advertise Alert !





Hi there fellow co admins and members, this roleplay need your help !

please spread our advertisement letter so we can able to have new more rper's! 



Not seeing Yuri rp so often? 
Then maybe this rp is what you looking for! 
A dorm mansion strickly all girls and NO BOYS is ALLOWED 
why you need to join?
1. First it's a new opened Yuri rp and might your desire girl artist is still available 
2. It's a girl x girl rp, so if your a Yuri Couple fan you welcome to join
3. everywhere, if you have that dirty thoughts ( no innocents allowed, I don't want to corrupt anyone minds)
4. You can find new chigus ( rp or in rl )
5. Last, for sure you will enjoy! ( wait until the members number increase) 
Hope to see you soon! 
Extraordinary Yuri RP~~
sorry for taking your wall space~ 


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Taepeas3 11 years ago
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