Room Ideas & Additions

Status [M]

Room Ideas & Additions


We've tried to build out the FULL House Estate, giving full kitchen, dining spaces, as well as living and play spaces in side and out. On top of having the private Suites. Outside of the estate however you might have noticed we're tying to come up with ideas. So we thought we'd like to hear yours. Are there places your characters would like to go on dates? Places that you'd like to be able to spend a day with your child? Please comment below and let us know. Here is a list of the few things we've already considered.

  • 1. Burger joint
  • 2. Walking park/pond area
  • 3. Mini Mall for Shopping
  • 4. Grocery store


Admin's Tali & Leet19


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KissMeLikeYouLoveMe 9 years ago
Ravi's here...
Can i wish for a kid's music or dance room? Seungyoun would love to go there from time to time!
silvermist1116 9 years ago
Amusement park would be nice.
KyungsooDoReMi 9 years ago
I vote some place the adults can have 18+ fun! XD
aneumidnight 9 years ago
A coffee shop, ice cream parlor or candy shop would be nice~~
xxSnowflakesxx 9 years ago
Hey, Hyuk is here.
I wish for theatre! O/
So Kris can play his Cello xD
And do we have cafe? I didn't notice it then of we already have it.
If no, I want one since Hyuk is a barista.
Oh yeah! Karaoke! My character want to go there for a date ^^
And what about arcade? Should we have it?
Or maybe a date at an ice rink?
Sorry but I like something romantic sometimes orz
I should stop now, bye xD
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