Please Read: IMPORTANT


Hello everyone!

This announcement is to let you all know there has been a change of admin.  Jinkis-Sarang-->Jjongpuppy.  She explained to me that there were some things that were preventing her from keeping up with the rp which is why I'm taking over.

Today, I'm going to be putting up the info for those who's infor is yet to be put up, as well as any plots you all have.  Also, some rooms may be combined as to make it easier for everyone to navigate.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions,  questions,  etc. via commenting here or if you prefer, pm.

Please send your information and plot ideas to Jjongpuppy ^^

I will do my best to get everyone's information and plot ideas up as soon as possible.

Current info and plots to be put up: 





*if you had sent your info/plots please let me know and I will check for it ^^ 


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sonathea 8 years ago
If you need some further support at managing, I'd be glad to help you ^^
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