UPDATE: Recent Changes and We Need You! (MUST READ... please? *puppy dog eyes*)


Most of you will know me as Dara, the seductive, dangerous thief.

Some of you will know me as Jinki, the adorkable, derpy Lighthouse Keeper.

And now, officially as of yesterday, you will know me as your Head Admin :3 *waves*


Unfortunately, Luhan decided it best if she left - and we all completely understand that. Sometimes life just sneaks up and bites you in the .

So, I hope you'll all trust me to look after this wonderful roleplay.


There are a few changes that may occur during the next few weeks but I promise they will not change the essence of the roleplay one bit - just make your roleplay experience easier and more enjoyable!


Now, my one main challenge to try and achieve is to bring some life back into this roleplay. I am incredibly passionate about this place and it saddens me to see it so lifeless.

But, take heart! If you are one of those role players who have an 'inactive' sign next to their name, do not feel pressured to leave, despite what the rules say. Honestly, I'd rather have you stay with the hope you'll be able to become more active in the future.


So, in short, I need your help!

We are all a family here and this is your roleplay as much as it is ours. I have started work on trying to bring new members into the roleplay.

But I can't do it alone!

I need you!


So, what can you do?

> ADVERTISE ~ people won't know this roleplay exists if we don't tell them. Share it with your friends, share with other role plays you are already a part of. Share your enthusiasm!

> ROLEPLAY ~ it's as simple as this. The more active a roleplay is, the more likely someone is to join. Post in rooms, plot, create exciting stories for yourself. I want you to enjoy this place!

> STAY ACTIVE ~ even just having babbling sessions in the OOC or spamming in the Spam Room. It all helps! The more active a roleplay is, the more likely people will be able to find it!


I will be utilising these announcements from now on to update you. Any new members will be posted here so you can go and welcome and encourage them! There is nothing like feeling welcomed into a new roleplay!


Thank you so much for being a part of this roleplay.

Your support is extremely valuable and appreciated! Please let me know you've read all this by commenting your character name below :)


Much love!

Kerry aka Dara/Jinki


P.S. I promise I will not become less active with my actual role playing. I can never abandon a plot ;)


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trmcroleplayer 8 years ago
Go dara go dara!! O/
Linguini 8 years ago
Dara-ssi HWAITING!! <3
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 8 years ago
Yay! It's great that you're the new admin! I hope Luhan is well and I'll reply to Dara soon!!
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