

Okay, so the activity check is finished and we've got the votes for the event collected! *claps* Let' reveal results then!

Lingerie Night - 17 votes

Hide and Seek - 11 votes

Babsysitting Weekend - 4 votes

Matchmakers - 2 votes

Pet Competition - 2 votes


*coughs* Fellow subs, let's bring the garter belts out! *coughs*

So what will be this event about? Basically, the club is having a lingerie night that means the subs are allowed in only in lingerie, underwear. The event is gonna concern the club rooms marked with (E), during the time that is chosen for the event (2.-4.8.) you can rp in those room and subs must be wearing a lingerie of their choice there.


However, wearing a lingerie is not all to this. Most importantly, there will be a secret battle going on. Subs will be given a secret tasks they have to keep to themselves at all cost and if they manage to accomplish their task (it has to happen in one of the (E) marked rooms, not on walls!) they get a point. But they has to be careful to not get busted.

On the other hand, masters has to keep their eyes open and if they think they know what task certain sub was given they need to PM an admin with their guess. If they get it right, they will get a point and the sub is busted. As you see, if subs want to success they need to be subtle and maybe bluff a little, distract master's attention a bit (WHY ELSE WOULD YOU BE WEARING LINGERIE THE WHOLE TIME? USE IT AGAINST THE MASTERS! *slapped*) so it's not obvious to everyone what is the task.

Eg. If a sub's task is to kiss three masters on the lips it will be obvious if you just write three times *comes to master X and kisses him on the lips*

In the end we will announce a master/sub with the most points and also see if subs or masters won overall as a group.

To wrap this all up, the subs that want to get their task should comment below and I will message them with their secret task. Everyone who has a concern or question can ask in the comments too. At the same time I expect high attendance and activity for the event. *bows*


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flightofdeath 8 years ago
Give Jaejoong a task please o u o this sounds fun~
Jejung 8 years ago
Can I have a task too? -Ren
KPOPAuntie 8 years ago
Give Yong Nam a task too. This will be hella fun. *grins*
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 8 years ago
Omg this is gonna be so fun
sanexx 8 years ago
Taemin wants a task to please
Bashful_Freak 8 years ago
Rap Monster would like to know his task, please :3
bbc0adb2e9e9788434c2 8 years ago
Hamin would like a task, please~
softlyvibrates 8 years ago
Myungsoo's here requesting for his task, please.
-sweetkitty- 8 years ago
This sounds fun!!
blockbtob1a4men 8 years ago
This sounds interesting
CNU wants a task please
-dreamingofyou- 8 years ago
Luhan read and would like his task
brittini 8 years ago
Che ying zhong read this
SHInfinite_93 8 years ago
Sub woohyun had red it ~
And of courw sub woohyun ant a task too xD
BBVIPBaby 8 years ago
Zico has read this
AnnieWookieLover 8 years ago
This is insanely cool xD
Sub Hyunseung wants a task~! Please :3
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