Activity Check (10.4.-23.4.)


As you all know, there are a lot of inactive characters here.

I myself have beeen a bit MIA.


I'm here to clear out all those that aren't going to stay.

You have two weeks to comment in the activity check room under the Extras tab.

Everyone who wishes to stay needs to comment, as those on (semi)hiatus have been there for months.

Your character will be removed if your name isn't on the active list of the room, but you may request them back if you know you'll be active.

Also, comment down below that you read and if you liked the three events we did almost a year ago; I'm thinking about doing more of those.

Co-Admins would also be loved of course because I'm drowning by myself XD

We'll get this place more active in no time if we work together!

- Main Admin CNU


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Sweetangel 7 years ago
Gray has read this.
Events would be fun.
bbc0adb2e9e9788434c2 7 years ago
Hamin has read this. Events would be fun, but don't stress yourself!
AmbieAssassin 7 years ago
Yusaku and Hongo have read this. I would like to be a co-admin. Maybe it'll help me be more motivated to come on because I literally can't say that I have any other reason for disappearing like I do besides... I don't even know. I don't even really have a reason... orz
Jhopeexoticvip 7 years ago
Jiyong read this and I'd be happy to be a co admin. The events were fun.
Beomks 7 years ago
Zelo read this~
I've been a bit too busy to check in and know what events were happening ;; sorry <3
noxforma 7 years ago
hansol has read this
also, i wasnt here for the event :P
Ustanassia 7 years ago
I, Ravi, have read this.
As for events, sure, more would be fun. But don't overwork yourself as a single admin. I'm here if you ever need help with anything!
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