Heat/Rut Week Cycle 2 Info-MUST READ AND COMMENT


The hookup list is up. Look it over and if you would like to switch partners tag me saying so (Baby Yoongi). You have until 10 pm EST July 14th to do so.





We have quite a few new people so I am going to be copying and pasting the info from our first heat/rut week here so all of you know how it works here:


I do hope you guys know the difference between a heat and a rut. In heat the hybrid is submissive and bottoms while in rut the hybrid is more dominant and tops. The hybrid is needy either way but in heat they may be whiney and clingy and beg to be ed. In rut they are more aggressive, possessive, and want their partner to beg to be ed. A hybrid in heat may want it rough whereas a hybrid in rut will give it rough.


I am going to do something that the admins do in another RP that I am in because I think it might work better for some. You and your partner can choose how you handle heat/rut week. You can either make it all about or if your character is not the type to do that then you can make it more about cuddling. Heat/rut week can be whatever you want,  just discuss it with your partner first.


Pairings may or may not be the same next time depending on who has been claimed and if the person has a rut or heat next time (in the case of our switches). 


If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me. Heat/rut week start at midnight EST July 15th. That gives everyone 1 WEEK to talk to their partner and decide how it's going to be handled.


Thanks Admin Yoongi~


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Crazy_Ex_girlfriend 6 years ago
Dohyeong read it ouo
rikanovaak 6 years ago
Taehyung, Jongin and Jimin read this.
GetYourFreakyOn 6 years ago
Woohyun has read this.
Min-lili 6 years ago
Minseok has read this.
Beomks 6 years ago
Jihoon has read this
kurokawa 6 years ago
Jooheon has read this
MinSugaJjangJjangMan 6 years ago
Bean and N read this
minchan2 6 years ago
Jungkook has read
glitterbomb 6 years ago
hongseok has read this
Biribiribibi 6 years ago
Daniel and Imjin re this
mysticriddles 6 years ago
Minho and Willie read this
doldol 6 years ago
Jisung read~
exobangtan 6 years ago
dae read this
rantani 6 years ago
yoon has read~
sunnibunni 6 years ago
Woo has read~
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