quidditch, y'all


Seriously y'all who needs layouts lmao. 
Black on white is easier to read. And I'm too lazy to make it pretty.

GOING TO THE POINT, we're gonna play quidditch. Yaay. But not today. We're gonna reserve today for planning stuff and stuff. 
So here goes, how do we play quidditch?

First, there are four types of players, 
a. Seeker
b. Chaser
c. Beater
d. Keeper

Each has one player except the chasers. Every team has two. So that makes 5 players per house. 

How do we win the game and how does it go? 
Since we're limited on time and of course we're all lazy af, we go by dice. B uy H Ow D o w E ma Ke iT w Ork W it h the dice?

/clears throat/

First let's discuss the the roles.
Seekers go for the golden snitch.
Chasers can score points by shooting the quaffle through the hoops
Keepers guard their team's hoops.
Beaters can knock off other players from their brooms by hitting them with bludgers.

Ok. So to clear the confusion,
The golden snitch can only end the game. Seekers need to catch the golden snitch to end a game of quidditch. When the snitch is caught, the team of the seeker who caught it gains 150 points.
The quaffle is like the ball in soccer and the hoops are the goals. Every quaffle that goes through the hoop earns a team 10 points.
Bludgers are heavier balls that can knock off other players off their brooms. Only beaters can hit them with bats, and hit other players by directing the bludgers to them. 

So, now to play it using dice.
There would be two teams right? They will take turn on rolling a dice. 
Let's say the game is ravenclaw vs gryffindor
the turns of rolling would go
beater - beater
chaser - keeper
chaser - keeper
chaser - keeper
chaser - keeper
seeker - seeker

One team is represented by odd numbers, and the other even. What do we use the numbers for? It's for the beaters.
Let's say Gayoon is ravenclaw's beater. Ravenclaw is represented by even numbers, and the opponent, gryffindor is odd. If gayoon rolled the dice and gets an odd, she can knock off one player and that player would lose a turn.
And let's say Gayoon chooses to knock off Junhyung from the other team, that means junhyung can't roll a dice on his turn and he's skipped. If gayoon rolls an even, nothing happens.
That's why the beaters of each team rolls first.

Next the chasers and the keepers. if the chasers roll, the keeper of the opposing team will roll too. The chaser will score a point if the keeper's roll didn't match with the chaser.
for example, let's say Junhyung is the chaser for gryffindor and ravenclaw's keeper is yeri.
if junhyung rolled a 2, and yeri rolled a 2 as well yeri blocks the quaffle from junhyung and he doesn't get a point. but if yeri rolled anything but a 2, junhyung shoots the quaffle throung and gets a point. Keepers only roll to oppose the other team's chaser. 

THE SEEKERS. Okay so the last part, the seekers. Basically after every chaser has rolled, they will now roll. If a seeker rolls a 6, the game ends. They roll a six, they catch the snitch, and they earn an extra 150 points. And the points by the chasers will all be added. CATCHING THE SNITCH DOESN'T MEAN IT'S AN INSTAWIN. you just get 150 points and you end the game lmao. Also remember, the beaters can knock off someone from a team.

The winner would be the team with the most points in the end. Now go plan your stuff in your own houses go go

If ever confused just talk to the greens thank you. 


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