

game of thrones themed roleplay

Main ImageItalic/Gray = ReservedFemales


I Realize That For Those That Have Never Seen The Show or Read The Books, There Are Quite A Few Questions That Could Come Up. But Seeing as I Have Seen The Show ( I have no life ), I'm Not Entirely Sure What Parts Could Be Unclear So I'd Really Appreciate Some Input. If You Have A Question, Any Question, Please Ask It. Whether It's About The Show Or The Roleplay, There Are No Dumb Questionss.


Q: What's up with the whole, "Winter is Coming" thing? Why is that bad?


A: In the Game of Thrones ( GOT ) universe, winter isn't your average three month, Christmas season. Winters last for decades here, nearly a century. A person could live out their entire life without ever seeing the end of winter. People freeze and starve, mothers who give birth during a winter season would rather kill their children than let them live during a winter. Plus, there are the Whitewalkers.


Q: What is a Whitewalker?


A: It's one of the many Winter creatures that live beyond the wall  ( we don't know the rest yet ). They're enourmous, nearly invincible, and can create legions of Zombies at will. But since it's been so long since anyone has seen one, everyone believes they are extinct and are vastly unprepared, with the exception of The North. Because The North remembers...


Q: How do you kill a Whitewalker or their zombies?


A: You don't. Unless you happen to have access to ancient, prehistoric weapons made of dragonglass ( maybe a Targaryen could help you out here ) that were lost to humanity over a thousand years ago. However, the zombies can be killed with fire.


Q: Why can only Starks/Targaryens have Dire Wolves/Dragons?


A: Because the Dire Wolves/Dragons are loyal only to their respective families. Even most Starks/Targaryens wouldn't actually have one. That's why I put a limit on how many each house could have. Four dragons, five dire wolves.


Q: How big are the Dire Wolves/Dragons?


A: The wolves are huge, we're talking the size of Twilight werewolves once they're fully grown ( which takes about 3-4 years ). The dragons get even bigger. Their skulls alone are nearly four times the height of a human being but they take much longer to grow and are very weak when they're young. Also, if they're seen most people would try to kill or steal it.


Q: Do we have to follow your descriptions on the Houses page exactly?


A: No. I based those off of major characters from their respective houses. I'm not saying you should completely ignore them but you don't have to follow them to a 'T'. i.e. A Lannister can be selfless and try to do the right thing, but they'd still flash their daddy's money when needed. A Tyrell doesn't have to be homoual but they're still probably very good looking and accepting. etc.


Q: I've seen the show is there gonna be a lot of , killing etc like that?


A: Only if you want there to be.


Q: Can I have my own room?


A: No but I can make rooms for you and other characters to live in. For example, a castle for the royal family, an inn for mercenaries and commoners, a winterfell for the starks etc. drop your idea off in my inbox or the wishlist and i'll see what I can do. But please don't request a room that you'll never use.


Q: Can I play the actual characters from the series? i.e. Khaleesi, Robb Stark, Jofferey etc.


A: That makes things a little complicated for the other roleplayers who have 1) never seen the show or 2) want to deviate from the events of the show. So, I'm gonna have to say no.


Q: How long will it take my wolf/dragon to be full grown and why did you put a limit on it?


A: One month real time for the wolf. And since you'll have to figure out how the eggs hatch( no, they will not just hatch if you walk around with them long enough like pokemon ) then it'll be one month after you figure it out that it will be full grown. ( If you think you figured it out or cheated and looked it PM me [changsun] and I'll start your count and let you know when you hit milestones. i.e. when your dragon learns to fly or breathe fire ). I put a limit on it because I highly doubt that most who choose to be a Stark or Targaryen won't try for one.


















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