How it will work.



How it will work



1. Request a character in the Class you'd like. The application should include:

Name: Class:




Eye color:

Hair Color:

Description of features: (Try to be as detailed as possible)

Special features: Like, does your character walk with a limp? Is one eye a different color than another? Are they blind? Be creative people!

2. Once accepted, create a profile that includes your level, class, specialization, items, guild (if you join one), skills, money, memory fragments, current mission, and floor. A basic layout will be created for everyone to use for this part. Put this in your personal message. As for the about me, another layout will be provided for this. Fill that out accordingly.

3. This MMORPG was originally made for RolePlayers of Reminiscence AFF Roleplay, but is open to all RPR users. It is not necessary to join the Reminiscence AFF RP, but we do encourage it, since some of the things in this game may be inside jokes of the RP. Not to mention, it's easier to start a party or guild if you are familiar with the person. No one wants to start party where someone may double cross them.

4. If you die, you get knocked down two levels, and will have to start your mission from the beginning. So if you die in the open fields of the Town Of Beginnings at level 5, then your character will wake up back inside the town at level 3, and will have to redo their mission. Any items found while completing this mission will be lost as well. This is a PVP game. In other words, players are allowed to battle and kill one another. All PVP fights must be consensual and both parties must be aware they're in a duel

5. No death in safe zones. Towns and market places are considered safe zones. While sparing is allowed, and HP can be depleted while sparing, it is impossible for someone to reach below 10hp in a safe zone.

6. No terminating. In other words, DO NOT single target someone to kill for an item they posses. That's what trading is for. Unless you are given a mission to knock out a certain class to gain a skill, do not randomly single out a player to kill. And even if you are given a mission to target a certain class, you must go that mission alone, and you are only allowed to knock the player out. (10 hp or below). Do not proceed to kill that person or you will be killed by a CPU, and will face the consequences of rule 4.

7. No GodModding. Hits will be determined by a DICE ROLLING SYSTEM. This rule is important and is an easy way to stop cheating.. If you know you're fighting someone at a higher level than you, you are bound to lose. But this doesn't mean you are dead. If you want to kill someone, you must get their HP down to zero. And it must be in a vital spot. I.E: Head, neck, chest (heart), torso (lungs or spleen), stomach (liver and other vital organs). This is why we ask you to be descriptive when you are in a battle. For more information on how the DICE ROLLING SYSTEM check the announcements.

8. Unlike in the RP, drama is allowed but keep it minimum. NO BULLYING!! Relationships are allowed, but please remember the purpose of the game. You do not have to tell the admins if in a relationship since this is open world and we allow drama. If you wish to put it in your profile feel free to. Insulting and cursing is allowed, but try to stay dignified and keep it minimum. Taunting during battle is allowed.

9. You are allowed to own property (land) only after floor 7. And property becomes more luxurious the higher the floor. Anything bigger than two bedroom home, you must pay taxes. Taxes will be taken from your currency each month when an activity check is done. But only if you own a property that requires you to pay taxes. If you are looking to buy, let an admin know. Since you will require a certain amount of Rems (r) to buy a house, an admin wil notify you when you have enough. For the currency system and more on taxes, check the announcements.

10. Memoria or Ivol will notify you once you level up, die, earn money, pass a quest, receive a memory fragment ect... Basically like any game you will receive something along the lines of this:

*---YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE "FARMER'S QUEST." 2 skill points earned. 1 Level up. 45 r. YOU NOW HAVE A TURKEY LEG! You learned a new skill, check your Dashboard in 10min, to figure out what it is.---*

Do not worry about editing these things in your profile. Since this is done automatically in real games, then it will be done automatically here as well. But do remember that there are only two of us running this game. So it may take time for these things to be edited in your profile.

11: Your Dashboard is not accessible while in battle. So it is wise to put items in your Queue before each mission or quest. (Your queue is your status, and can only hold as much as you can fit in your status.) Each time you use an item, you will find that the quantity of that item will decrease in your Dashboard. If for some reason it has not been edited by an admin, wait a day or do it your self. Again, PLEASE BE HONEST! Otherwise it's a form of Godmodding and if we find out, you will be bumped down a level.

12. Only after Floor Five can you warp to and from different floors. Otherwise you must travel by foot, animal or vehicle. After Floor Three, you are allowed to warp back to the Town Of Beginnings, but you must slow travel back to where you were. I.E: You are on Floor Three. --Warp to Town of Beginnings--- (Wait for an admin or NPC to approve this warp) Now you are on Floor One. Unless you've beaten the boss on Floor Five, you will be denied a warp to other floors. And you cannot warp to a floor you haven't been to. Animals and vehicles may be purchased to cut your traveling time in half.

Comment below once you've read this.


coded by edelweiss. do not remove the credits.



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lemon-lime 9 years ago
Lime/ Hazel read it!!!
cupidshotme 10 years ago
Indo/ Tao read this.
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