IMPORTANT: I need some insight from you guys~


Hello guys! 

Admin-Dino speaking here, I just wanted to know if you few fellow roleplayers would like to suggest rooms or ideas to (for lack of better term) "spice" up this new RP.

I'm a fairly creative person myself but it's just that, I would like to hear from the other Rp-er's point of view y'know?

I mean we could add a mall, coffee shop etc. For the day-life of our characters. This RP can't all be about violence and scary people with harsh jobs, get where i'm coming from?

There can be fluffy moments and stuff in this RP too! But imagine a fluffy thingy scene in a club or dark alley or something. Romantic right?

Though I would prefer something more darker but--ANYWAYS.

Back to the main reason, ideas. I need them, bro. @.@


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