Jumping on the Bandwagon... >Askme100< cred to the ones who did it before me >

Tags bandwagon 

1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify and YouTube are my main go-to’s for music streaming.

2. is your room messy or clean?  Clean with a tiny bit of clutter in the corners.

3. what color are your eyes? Brown, dark brown and light brown... fun fact they can change colors depending on the season.

4. do you like your name? why? Yes, it means Princess in Arabic (though I’m not Arabic) so why wouldn’t I like it?

5. what is your relationship status? single but I’m always dreaming that someday my prince will come

6. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Introverted, Friendly and Stubborn

7. what color hair do you have? Dark brown/black (its light brown in the sunlight)

8. what kind of car do you drive? color? I don’t drive yet, will be getting my permit soon though but I want a mint blue colored car.

9. where do you shop?  Forever 21, Hot Topic, Camille La Vie (its a dress shop at the local mall)

10. how would you describe your style? Comfy sometimes but usually casual. If I’m going somewhere nice, then I’d say formal. When I wear formal wear I usually wear black since it looks better on me. I love wearing graphic tees and jeans, skinny or distressed. Converse are my go-to shoes. With formal wear I wear either open toed heels that aren’t that high or wedges or flats if it’s a dressy outfit. I also like pink dresses too.

11. favorite social media account. Twitter

12. what size bed do you have? Twin... I think???

13. any siblings? Nope, I’m an only child.

14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Probably Japan. I love the food, the culture, the history, the people. I’d love to live there one day. Or if I wanted to be a bit more realistic, I’d say California... though one day that’ll be a reality... one day... 

15. favorite snapchat filter? Please don’t disown me but I don’t have a Snapchat. Mostly because personally I think it’s kinda overrated but hey that’s just me.

16. favorite makeup brand(s) Fun fact! I don’t really wear makeup even though I probably should. My mom usually puts it on me for special occasions since she’s a professional makeup artist, and tells me that I should start wearing makeup since I’m an adult but I just don’t do it cause of my laziness and lack of experience with applying it. But when I do get my makeup done, it’s usually MAC or Bobby Brown.

17. how many times a week do you shower? Do I have to answer this one? Okay well... I don’t shower as much as I should cause I’m lazy as hell and my depression gets pretty bad from time to time, so I shower twice a week during the summer. But I definitely shower more during busy weeks that are not in the summer.

18. favorite tv show? Gotham from FOX. Too bad this fall it’s airing it’s last season. But during the summer Masterchef is my fave show.

19. shoe size? 7 in womens I think.

20. how tall are you? 5 foot 5 or 5 foot 6 maybe? Probably even 5 foot 7 by now...

21. sandals or sneakers? Both but I like sneakers more

22. do you go to the gym? No, but I need to. Even though I look like I’m in shape since I have a lean body type, I actually get winded from walking up a flight of stairs.

23. describe your dream date: A movie theater date of a dinner date. He pays for everything of course, and we chat after the movie or during dinner in order to get to know each other more. He then walks or drives me home and we say goodnight to each other under the stars.

24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? I don’t have cash on me, I have a card though. You don’t need to know how much is on it.

25. what color socks are you wearing? Grey socks I got from Forever 21. They have Welsh Corgis on them that say “Sleepy” and the other says “So Sleepy”.

26. how many pillows do you sleep with? One. If I’m sick I sleep with two.

27. do you have a job? what do you do? No but I’m planning on getting a small full time job during college since I’ll just be starting out with it, plus it’ll be my first job.

28. how many friends do you have? A few good ones from when I was a baby, all the way to my elementary and middle school years. I only have a select few friends from high school.

29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? Nothing really bad or illegal but I did knowingly not take my math (or history?) final in middle school. And guess what? I’m a college student now, so what’s gucci?

30. whats your favorite candle scent? Warm vanilla

31. 3 favorite boy names James, Frederick, George

32. 3 favorite girl names Nora, Lola, Margaret

33. favorite actor?   Either Chris Pine or Jeffery Dean Morgan cause I’d let them both smash tbh.

34. favorite actress?  Jennifer Lawrence cause I’m still Hunger Games trash. But I also love Gal Gadot.

35. who is your celebrity crush?  Right now it’s Chris Pine.

36. favorite movie? The Godfather or Bonnie & Clyde (1967) I’m a er for old movies.

37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t read actual paperback books that much anymore and nor do I read E-books either. But I do love any of Stephen King’s books.

38. money or brains? Brains, since knowledge is key and wisdom is everything. But I do want that cash...

39. do you have a nickname? what is it? My parents gave me a nickname since I was such a sweet baby (and a stinky one). But i’ll never tell...

40. how many times have you been to the hospital? Once that I can remember. It was back when I was really little and I did something dumb, Let’s just say it had to do with not eating foods high in fiber, poop, and a young sweaty me who kept passing out.

41. top 10 favorite songs: Tame Impala- The less I know the better, BTS (V)- Singularity, Childish Gambino- Redbone, Ariana Grande- God is a woman, Mac Demarco- Chamber of Reflection, Varsity- So Sad, Rihanna- Pour it up, Mariya Takeuchi- Plastic Love, Takayan- Alone Freestyle, Fickle Friends- Brooklyn 

42. do you take any medications daily? Nope, I only take my vitamins

43. what is your skin type? My nose is oily af, the rest of my face is oily too but the rest of me is an oily but dry combo.

44. what is your biggest fear? Being kidnapped and never found by anyone who knows me, loves me or cares about me, and being left alone in an unfamiliar place to die by myself.

45. how many kids do you want? Two, a boy and a girl or a girl and a girl.

46. whats your go to hair style? Straight when it’s washed, but I usually put it in a ponytail, it’s more efficient.

47. what type of house do you live in? An apartment

48. who is your role model? Myself

49. what was the last compliment you received? I was volunteering today at a cancer organization and a lady told me that I was really pretty.

50. what was the last text you sent? 'A picture that I edited. 

51. what is your dream car?  A red convertible.

52. opinion on smoking? My grandma smokes regular cigarettes and has COPD. She’s been smoking since she was a teen and that was decades ago. How she’s not dead yet is beyond me. But my opinion on smoking is that it looks cool but it’s poison and people shouldn’t smoke.

53. do you go to college? Yes! I’m starting my first year next week.

54. what is your dream job? An author or a world renowned photographer.

55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs, I don’t really get the appeal of living in a rural area, guess that’s because I’ve lived in somewhat suburban metro areas most of my life.

56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I don’t think I have.

57. do you have freckles? I think I do but they’re not that visible.

58. do you smile for pictures? Yeah... even when I’m pissed off about something.

59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? I have 605 photos on my phone.

60. have you ever peed in the woods? Hell no and I never want to. That’s one place you’ll never see me in... the woods.

61. do you still watch cartoons? No, not really.

62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?Neither I’m a pescatarian who dabbles in eating organic beef but I’ll never touch fast food meat.

63. Favorite dipping sauce? Soy Sauce when I have sushi.

64. what do you wear to bed? A t-shirt and actual pajama pants.

65. have you ever won a spelling bee? I almost won some trial spelling bees, but never the actual spelling bee.

66. what are your hobbies? Reading the news, watching YouTube vids, listening to music, writing fanfics (that you’ll never get to see since they’re on my phone in my notes)

67. can you draw? Not really, but I can paint a bit.

68. do you play an instrument? I used to play the violin, but that was way back in elementary school. I do have a violin though, I just never play it. It’s sitting in my closet collecting dust...

69. what was the last concert you saw?  I’ve never been to a concert, so yeah...

70. tea or coffee? Tea. Matcha tea, citrus tea, black tea, green tea... almost any tea except for English Breakfast Tea. That stuff tastes so gross to me.

71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks

72. do you want to get married? Hell yes! I think about it a lot and about what kind of wife I’ll be one day. Only time will tell...

73. what is your crush’s first and last initial? I don’t currently have a crush irl. 

74. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  Yes, but if it’s something stupid then I’m keeping my last name.

75. what color looks best on you? Black, pastels, blues, yellows, some shades of red

76. do you miss anyone right now? My friends who haven’t text me in a while.

77. do you sleep with your door open or closed?  Closed cause the kitchen’s oven light shines into my bedroom sometimes.

78. do you believe in ghosts? Yes

79. what is your biggest pet peeve? Condescending adults who think they know everything. Like dude stfu no human being is capable of knowing “everything”.

80. last person you called: My grandma

81. favorite ice cream flavor? Either chocolate peanut butter or cookie dough

82. regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular, I’m a simple gal.

83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Both, why pick just one?

84. what shirt are you wearing? An old one direction you and I fragrance shirt my mom had gotten back when she was a fragrance model.

85. what is your phone background? A snowy mountain with a starry night sky in above the mountain.

86. are you outgoing or shy? I prefer introverted, and I’m outgoing around my friends and my immediate family.

87. do you like it when people play with your hair? No, I don’t even really like it when my mom plays with my hair in order to fix it for me... or when my dad ruffles my hair as a joke.

88. do you like your neighbors? We don’t really see our neighbors much so we don’t care very much to like them in the first place.

89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? I do wash my face, but I wash it whenever I feel like it.

90. have you ever been high? No and I don’t want to be... wait... does anesthesia count?

91. have you ever been drunk? No, I’m not of age to drink but when I do become of age I hope I never do get drunk. My dad is (was? He doesn’t drink much anymore) an alcoholic so honestly I’m against alcohol.

92. last thing you ate?A vitamin... okno, I ate penne pasta with pesto.

93. favorite lyrics right now: Life is beautiful but you don’t have a clue- Lana Del Rey Black Beauty

94. summer or winter? Summer, I hate being cold.

95. day or night? Night, since I’m a night owl.

96. dark, milk, or white chocolate? All of it, it’s chocolate! I don’t discriminate lol

97. favorite month? October cause of Halloween

98. what is your zodiac sign? Taurus, and I’m proud to be one.

99. who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom cause of my anxiety.

100. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I don’t know, but I did know at a young age that he wasn’t real since we didn’t have a chimney. So how else was he getting into our house if the windows and doors were locked!?


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