I don't know who this girl is but her video is...I don't know.


My sister fell asleep playing YouTube videos on the television and this one girl's video is on. I don't know who it is or anything like that, but I've been listening to her and semi-watching this video for like the past...maybe an hour? I don't know. It's a long video but it's just...

I can't tell how it's making me feel.

She's talking about this guy that she apparently liked and how he kind of played her and all and how she interpreted it and everything and I just...part of me wishes that I could hug her or something and make it better. Part of me is just "that really reminds me why I don't want to be in a relationship."

For some reason, I find it both relatable and kind of scary and it kind of makes me sad but also like "thank God that can't/doesn't happen to me."

I don't know...

I think I'm just sleepy...

That's all...

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening wherever you are. And remember that, no matter where you are, who you are, you are loved. ♡


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