Fk summer


Dude am i the only one who hates summer ?

I have no problem with winter ,i fking walk my dog outside in the snow in shorts and a shirt lol..but even so, if ur cold u could always add something the heat u can remove only so much ...well, i suppose u can get ..but not only its still not gonna help ...but i think u might have some problems with the police lol

Yesterday i stood all day in the pool ..i became a fking prune :)) ...the moment i left the water i felt like i was boiling

I wanna become Santa ...that dude is aways surounded by he has a sweet beard and some badass reindeers :)))


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Jhopeexoticvip 4 years ago
Omg I say that all the time about the clothes. I'm finally doing better with summer, but I still love snow
sayonarababy- 4 years ago
ughhh i feel tfhat
05eb34c50e33534ff795 4 years ago
Summer where im at is like 106 109 °F. So no. I also hate summer just as much
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