Survey for anyone that has a character.


I'm thinking of opening a roleplay with a concept I haven't seen before (if the idea is been done before I apologize, it might be pure coincidental). But before I set my mind in it, I need to know what people look for when joining a roleplay. Which take us to our first question. You don't have to re-write the questions (and you don't have to use the examples given for each question, it can be anything you want/think/feel). Just add de numbers or any type of separation if answering.


1) What do you look in a roleplay to join? (Active, new, old, theme, crack, serious writing, au, non-au, fun looking, welcoming, etc.)


2) How do you pick a face claim? (By groups you stan, looks, position in a group, personality, solo, actors, models, young, newly debut, old school, tops, bottoms, switch, etc.) 


3) What are the things you LIKE about roleplays in general? (Meeting new people, making friends, work/develop plots, etc)


4) What are the things you DISLIKE about roleplays in general? (Lack of control, spam, too much alts, not enough alts, lack of interest, drama, etc.) 


5) What would you like for owners to improve in their roleplays? 

6) What are you willing to do, as a joining character, to improve the experience when joining a roleplay?


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EmberEclipse 4 years ago
1) I look for a few things! I definitely look for active, new/old, serious writing, both non-au and au, and welcoming. I know that's pretty much everything you listed, haha, but it's really what I look for.. I think the main two are how welcoming it is and how active it is, though.

2) I normally got with those I know most (and stan). I do this because I feel like I am able to better portray them depending on the rp! I also tend to go more for bottoms/subs because I'm not too great at playing dominant roles as far as -based rps go. I need more practice lmao.

3) I absolutely LOVE making new friends and creating new stories and worlds. I also enjoy helping those who might be new to the roleplay game, you know? I remember when I first started roleplaying back in middle school, and I was scared and lost- I had to figure it out by myself, which is fine, but I love trying to help those who are wanting to learn.

4) There's quite a few things, honestly. I think my number one dislike about rps, especially with some of the groups here, is the exclusivity and clique nature that this site tends to have. I've been in many different roleplay groups here where there have already been many cliques established, and they haven't been inclusive. I felt like an outsider and like I wasn't welcome. Some made it seem like that was my fault and stated I wasn't trying hard enough when I was, but they weren't willing to allow another into their little clique. Another thing that really bothers me is when there are gay characters, and their rpers pay hardly any mind to the female characters. Or if they do, they're /always/ rude as hell. Like, we aren't asking you to pound us into next year, sweetie- We can be friends without having any kind of ual contact. Don't be /that/ kind of person. //sorry for the rant oop-

5) If there are problems, I prefer the owner to stay neutral and push their bias to the side. I say this because you don't want any of the other members to feel singled out or unwelcome in your roleplay. I feel like if they stayed neutral and helped compromise, the roleplay space could be very peaceful. If it's something big, PM the person it concerns. I also think that owners and their admins should host events to keep their roleplay alive and interesting! That could really improve the roleplay and pique the interest of others.

6) I'm willing to be inclusive, help others as needed, plot with anyone who wishes to roleplay, and even suggest different events/missions to the owner if it's needed. I love seeing successful roleplay groups.
scribbles 4 years ago
1//a good au,
writing wise, i think nowadays a lot of rpr users write decently so,
no user-chasing//

2//i go by who i have a muse for, doesn't necessarily have to be a face that i know 100%, usually when i see a guy, i go bammmmm i have 10283839 ideas and plots i wanna do with this face- that's how i pick my fcs. otherwise yes, by groups i stan; and very often fcs no one's familiar with.//

3//developing my character. i'm not big on plotting tbh, sometimes you plot halfway but your muse takes you elsewhere, somewhere you least expect. i used to think i must make friends, i still do, but i dunno about that anymore tbh.//

4//user-chasing. it kills the enthusiasm for some. one, i'm a nobody user-wise and unpopular fc to add on to that, even if you ask to rp, people barely bat an eyelash at you and at some point you just don't feel like reaching out anymore. idk but that's me sometimes.//

5//idk tbh, it's their rp and they have the right to do whatever they want with it so if they built an rp with all the intentions to rp with the people they want to rp, then i have no right to say that they should or shouldn't do that? but for this one rp i'm in, i would hella appreciate it if the admin would actually control the drama that happens so frequently instead of feeding to it or regarding it as not much of a big deal- yehahaha.//

6//when i start off new in a rp, i tend try to engage in conversations in the ic chats, and from there it kinda depends on the response of the others. if they respond well, then i'm bound to keep going whenever i'm there. but if they don't respond well, i lose confidence and get discouraged from engaging or initiating conversations and only stick to the plots i have going, if any. it really depends on the people, how much i can contribute to making an rp a better place, as a participant.//
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