There goes another night


Of not sleeping 



can ACE give me a break skssnsjzksksksjs


i check twitter only to see it flowed with ace performing at the Parasite after party LMAO WTH HOW DID THEY EVEN DO THAT? WHY HOW?? HOW ..tHATS SOME REAL UNDERCOVER RIGHT THERE LMAO 



i just hope they have fun and get the recognition the deserve :')


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kurokawa 4 years ago
SpearBin [A] 5 hours ago Reply
Why do i stan the group that posts 92872837492938 selfies in a day and appears out of nowhere in the US at an after party nsjdjd

If this isn't the biggest mood-
zidian [A] 4 years ago
Why do i stan the group that posts 92872837492938 selfies in a day and appears out of nowhere in the US at an after party nsjdjd
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