Clean Out


Hey everyone, I would like to apologize to anyone that I have made plots with or opened a thread with. I seemed to have overestimated just how much I could take for plots, I am currently 15 replies deep (in replies I have yet to respond, my total threads are past 20 and that's stressful to think about). Most of these plots are detailed 3rd POV, which can be very stressful to write seeing as to how I have to put in a lot of thought in these replies and need a laptop for them. Even my detailed 1st pov replies are starting to stress me out because I cannot do them throughout the day. 

I will be reaching out to anyone I need to drop plots with (these plots take me the most time ti think about, if I am unable to figure out a reply right away I will ask to drop as I dont want to stress over the details of a plot). 

It has put me to the point that I cannot focus on my admin duties in roleplays as well, and I find that just as important as doing my replies. But in roleplays that I want to keep alive and have a hand in keeping alive, I cannot do so with this many plots! 


I apologize un advance to anyone I am dropping for plots.


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Queenofsins 4 years ago
That sounds so stressful I hope you don't over work yourself~<3
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