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Hidden in a mountain cave, high enough no mortal could accidentally happen across it, was a portal to a dimension only known as the home of homes. The place where all the Gods and Goddesses of all the realms dwelled. Modern Folklore would refer to this place as Mount Olympus, though the truth is it was so much more. It was here that the Gods of Creation sought to create a race specifically to serve the Gods and Goddesses and bear them children. This race was never named, though modern times would refer to them as a collective with the name Lilith. From this race would come what we now know to be supernatural creatures.

Often, everyone would leave the realm and mingle with humans, even bearing children with them. And before they knew it there were so many of them throughout the world, they couldn't control them all. So instead, they decided to build a school. A place where they could send their children and their children's children so they could learn to control their powers and abilities, be around people similar to them where they wouldn't be outcasted as they were in the human realm.

As time went on, times changed and while the world became a little more accepting, it still mostly outcasted those that were different. Attending a school in a different dimension didn't help with blending in either. So the Gods and Goddesses decided to move the school to what would eventually become upstate New York and enlisted human teachers with the hopes of assimilating the students to the human world better. As they expanded the school, they also decided to expand the species allowed in to include humans in the hopes that with every generation, all the species would learn to live together in harmony. There are many that have come to wander the human world undetected, but more and more are born different.

Since the beginning of the school, there has only been one way of attending the school. Upon receiving your letter, students and teachers are gifted a coin. This coin allows them to find the school, that has been glamoured from outsiders, and get on campus. Those without the coin will either see ruins or simply be turned away from the area with no recollection as to why they were going to that spot in the first place. The coin stays in effect until they reach the campus for the first time, upon which they will receive a bracelet to replace the coin. However, should they decide to not attend, leave the school, or get kicked out or fired for any reason, the coin and bracelet will disappear and the student or teacher will lose all memory of anything regarding the school.


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