

About 3 weeks ago I left in a hurry.

It wasn't a sudden decision since I had been thinking about leaving for some time.

Drama and stress finally got to me and instead of staying and feeling sorry for myself I decided to leave.

I wish I had leave in better circumstances  instead of waiting until I had another breakdown. 

I don't want to keep blaming this is on others, since I also brought this to myself. As for now. I'll continue roleplaying the current threads I got on Kakao Talk, keep this blog post for today I guess and go back to deactivating.


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DNABleached 4 years ago
take care of yourself honey, as long as your kakaotalk is still the same we have each other on there
i hope you'll feel much better than you currently are. <3
chrysalism 4 years ago
I wish you the best, dear and that everything gets better ♡
always keep your head high and you're much better than you think. but believe me things are much better away from this place orz
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