I DID A REVAMP... DOING A... phrasing is awful...

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+ There is a light within the dark...
 abo wolf au
 EST. 12 apr 2023
 upcoming events
date 06.15
The revamp moves to the next stage as the layouts all change becoming much lighter. After this will get housing arranged for everyone. 
date 06.14
I've changed the roleplay's name and added a wonderful co-admin to help with applications. 
+ events
— event one
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibu.
— event two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibu.
— event three
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibu.
— event four
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibu.
As the Humans race to try to survive on the Earth, there are other things behind the scenes and these things work hard to stay out of sight. They only come close to the self-destructive Humans when they need to feed. All of the species of the world but one boasts about having Humans as their prey. Werewolves.
The first two werewolves were created in fact by mystical beings to serve as the immortal protector of the Humans. Everything about them was modeled to serve this purpose and yet they were lost in the shuffle. Humans in their blind greed reaching past what was allowed to them… endangered the only creature meant to serve as their babysitter.
Howling Wolf is centered around werewolves. And anyone who can beat the current pack leader in a fight is the new pack leader. Unless it is stated otherwise the whole roleplay is all one pack.
Now the Werewolves stand with the ruthless predators eager to end all Humans. They are fed up with the hunters amongst the Humans shooting them instead of actual wolves. The discourse that this break with their natural instinct caused three factions to appear within the Werewolf community. Those who just want to go back to protecting the Humans regardless of them causing more harm to Werewolves than any other species. Those who believe if they simply took the Humans in as pets or pseudo children then they could re-train them to be better. And finally those who believe that they should wait it out a few generations to make sure that the Humans are thinned out a bit. This last group certain that if they wait then the stupid ones who caused this might simply get eaten by the other species.
60k notes
1. You must favorite the roleplay.
2. There is no character limit. You do however need to be active enough to keep the amount of characters you take. If you fail to do so you will receive two warnings before you lose that character.
3. All face claims must be of legal age in their country. It should go unsaid but... let's also not apply as anyone that's no longer with us. Remember you need to meet TOS for RPR.
4. There is no dating ban or marriage ban or anything like that. Go nuts.
5. All pregnancies must last a full month bare minimum but can go as long as you like. One week per trimester. People can apply as your children. Just have them say something in the application when applying. The password is in papa bear we trust.
6. All plots and character types are welcome here. Bring your fluffy overly cute boys to your dark moody I'll break you and cackle types. We turn away no one based on the character type or plot preference.
7. If you ever feel uncomfortable then please reach out to an admin. The main admin wants to create a safe space. A space where everyone feels comfortable to be themselves. This space was created for you to be yourself not for you to be limited cause others are squeamish or prudish.
60k notes
 application form
We do ask when commenting below to reserve your character that you please use the group name as well. If you have any questions about the application, please do not hesitate to ask one of the admin staff. 
+ full name
Lee gikwang
+ date of birth
30 march 1990
+ Rank
+ occupation
+ password
what is it?
If you are applying as someone's child then please add somewhere that you are doing so. It lets us know that you aren't applying as an adult. 
60k notes
+ lee gikwang
UTc -5
Main admin
+ byun baekhyun
timezone —
+ admin name
timezone —
position —
+ admin name
timezone —
position —
+ admin name
timezone —
position —


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