[RANT: Title is not related lol just an apology to my wives] I'm Sorry I'm Being an Inactive ; A ;


ofmgkajshfgjh ; A ; i ing hate honors algebra two man omfg TT A TT my teacher went straight into book work without ing reviewing algebra clearly

like, "Here are some algebra problems to refresh your memory. :)" and then she only ing explains them half way and expects me to remember from ing two years ago wtf TT A TT 

I have to learn everything online now wtf 


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GhazoolaELF 10 years ago
Awwww *hugs you like a koala* i was worried you head T-T ish ok~
-effervescent 10 years ago
my teacher was crazy for algebra 2 honors. ; A ;
she never taught, or followed the book. so we couldn't teach ourselves.
because of that, ap calculus bc is gonna kill me. *^*
good luck kiddo, and i'm here to help if you need it. o/
FrozenInTime 10 years ago
Awww it's okay Myungsoo/Kai <3
Don't worry about it
VIXXSTAR 10 years ago
you better be apologizing! I was worried!!
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