sleep talking.


this is my opinion on the song. do not hunt me down to kill me.


i personally think that it was entirely just so weird.

it's just so out of whack that when I listen to it, I'm just like, "what?"

when I first listened to it, it was just so confusing that I didn't quite know what to expect with the song.

the chorus isn't how I imagined it to go.

like, with the way the verses sounded, i didn't think it'd sound like that, if you get what I'm meaning.

i like the song, of course, but it was just so confusing.


also, did anyone notice that, in the mv, that Ren is randomly in Word World when he was trapped in that room?

just pointing that out.


i love nu'est, but all of their songs sound the same to me.

like, face was awesome.

action was awesome too, but it was just like face.

verse, chorus, verse, chorus, dub step, chorus.

or whatever i haven't heard those songs in a while.


and i hear the same thing in sleep talking too.

not to mention that the order in which they sing is the same.

or, so it seems to me.


yeah, so yeah.

dun kill me, okay.


also, are they experiments experiencing the same dream or something?


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lindir 10 years ago
*has not watched/listened to it*
*did not know of its existence*
bloupx100 10 years ago
Yeah, they do all sound the same, and it kind of gets annoying after awhile.
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