some fcker.


there's a guy in my english class that is telling people to go kill themselves

and he's calling them a lot of names and putting them down too.

like, he told my friend "you look like a fckin' troll god" and I immediately called him out for it and told him to shut up and to stop saying what he was saying

like, seriously.

is this how people are these days?

my god.

im about to btchslap him across the face. 



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ExoticM 10 years ago
he should be just thankful i wasnt there~
He really should be...he is damn lucky
lindir 10 years ago
My so called friend
Is such a conceited
thelostpirateking 10 years ago
There is a girl in the second block class that I teach that she acts like that... The best part is that I actually can do something about it now *evil smile*
I'm terrible lol
MajoraTwilight 10 years ago
Mind if I comment?

People like that guy really tick me off -__- Someone was really rude to my grandma one day telling her to ' off' when she wasn't even doing anything wrong number one. People are so rude these days it's ridiculous.
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