Life is pretty crazy..


Life has been pretty crazy these days,

which explains why i'm rarely online. please forgive

me, people. something happened in my family, I lost

someone I loved very much.. so it's kind of hard for me

to deal with all of this. Other things happened as well,

and so- I'm kinda taking a break from the internet.

but I will end up being back, for sure. I'm not too sure

when, but don't worry. alright? Again, I'm sorry.


+ I'll get to all of your replies soon enough. <3



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freaknastae 9 years ago
Slapped for only getting to see this now, but hopefully you feel better soon enough bae!
Condolences to your family and all- take your time with everything, alright?

halfaheart 9 years ago
I hope you feel better baby. Please make sure to take care of yourself.
Miss you
DamnBaekhyun 9 years ago
Aw man ;;
Take care, sugarplum! I'll be sure to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers >< and I hope things get better for you <3 don't stress out too much about things like replies and just worry about taking care of yourself. Hope to talk to you again soon, I miss you ; n ;
I've been busy with going back to school that I haven't been able to check up on you and see how you're doing T_T
Emitsun 9 years ago
Please feel better soon, dear. ;_;
I know how you feel. My grandma's been dying for quite some time now and she's suddenly gotten a lot better.
But nurses and doctors have seen many situations where the patient is like... well, you know,
'higher'. Feeling better right before death.
So my family and I are worried for her, though we're hoping it's just us feeling overly paranoid.

Please feel better and know you have all of us here for you. qq <3.
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