rat men , snakes and evil spirits .... dafuq ? :))))


Hey guys , i was talking earlier on skype with my friends and one of them said smt that not only made me laugh but also made me wanna write a blog abt some superstitions.

She was talking that she forgot again to trim her fingernails and i said why not doing now ...and she said " its night and i dont want rats to eat my nails and transform into humans taking my form and steal my soul "  ... and no me and my friends dont suffer from some ill that maked is stupid even tho sometimes seems like that :))

Its a old korean superstition that if you trim your fingernails at night rats will eat them , take human form, transform into you and steal your soul :))) ofc neither me or her belive that but i replied to her " poor mom " and she asked me why i said that and i said , just imagine from how much i did that how many me exist now , she can barely handle one nuckle head already :))) and she said ... if thats true imagine how stupid you are that not even today you didnt find yourself to steal your soul :)))))


Anyway , i tought of some superstitions and i said it would be nice to share them with you. Btw , since i spend a big part of my life in korea most of them come from there so if u find them weird dont judge :))))


It is said that if you whistle at night you summon ghosts , in other cultures it is said that u summon s but i think the original korean one with ghosts is better :))  ... thinking of it , if thats true the town i live in must be of ghosts and snakes till now :)) ..... imagine a Supernatural ep where Sam and Dean hunt a korean ghost and they keep whistling :)))).


If u have exams the next day dont eat at night slippery foods likr noodles cuz your knowledge will slip out of your brain . Instead have some sticky food like gutenous rice. Imagine a kid who has a exam and still wanna eat noodles , stuffing things in his nose and ears and God knows what other holes so his knowledge wont slip :)))) dafuq


It is said that if you step over a baby it will stop growing ... in other cultures is said if you step over someone's legs it will. I wonder what happens if you step ON a baby ... :))))


Avoid to sleep in a place where your reflection can be seen in the mirror . It is said that if your reflection is seen in a mirror while sleeping your soul will get stuck inside the mirror and all the memories of you in the real world will dissapear and you will leave inside the mirror, the worse part is that you wont even know you are inside the mirror ... well i have a solution for this ... sleep in a fking coffin ... or closet :)))


Dont eat while books or notebooks are open in the room ... you will forget everything u read that day. Well i can say that this is a lie ... i tried and it had  no effect ..... i did ate with books opened and nothing happened ... i dont think the fact that i didnt even read in the first place mattered right ? O_o


Dont gift shoes to your significant other, if you do that it means they will run away from you .... now you knoe how to end a relationship without beeing a jerk :)))))) make gifts that way u even seem nice :)))


Having a electric fan at night will kill you ... probably will fall over you and chop you into pieces :))) ... or it will blow you ? Idk why but that didnt came out good :)))))


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-tarotea 8 years ago
My friend told me the shoes one is pretty common; that people get their significant other 2 pairs; one in case they walk away, and one to come back to you. And I thought thay was hella cute <3
PurePerfection 8 years ago
Fun fact; The fan thingy is because some smart thought people would suffocate if they slept in the same room as an electric fan with the door and windows closed. B)
*flies away because I am captain obvious*
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