Guide of how to be annoying !


Ever wanted to annoy people around you ? Ive been talking on phone with my friends and we talked about this and while laughing like idiots we tried to remember what we do nornally to annoy people...

First of all whenever im bored or really dont wanna talk to a person i dont just say that in their face cuz its rude and less annoying :)) ... what i nornally do is .. i either finish all of my sentences with " in accordance with the prophecy " which isnrly annoying :))) or i eithet answer to their quiestion with the last half of their question ..  for exemple .... 

Random person : hey wanna go to the mall ?

Me : to the mall

Random person : yeah thats what i asked 

Me : i asked 

Random person : um are you feeling ok ?

Me : feeling ok ....


:))) trust me it works evrytime


2nd. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go" :)) we do that everytime and the dude at the counter is having a face like ... -_- no ... :)))

 3rd now this is mostly for guys but i think its more hilarious if a girl does this.... get into a pharmacy take a box of condoms go to the counter and ask where the fitting room is :))) me and my friend went in a pharmacy once and she needed to buy some painkillers pills thingies since her tooth was killing her and i did that... not only that my friend started to laugh like a idiot but the poor girl at the counter who was clearly youger than me was looking at me with a paniked face not knowing what to answer and in the end she tried to say something to try explain that there no such thing there :))) in the end i started laughing as well saying i was joking... ITS A PRANK BRO ! lol no i didnt sayd that ... just that i was joking and now the poor girl whenever sees me she remembers that and tries not to laugh ... yeah im a embarrassment for my friends :)))


4th. Every time someone asks you to do something ask if they want fries with it. I know this one isnt funny .. but its suppose to annoy people not to make them laugh remember ?  :)))


5th. Order a "diet water" with a serious face whenever you go out to eat... i honestly dont know how that came up to my mind to do.. i mightve seen it in a movie or tv show i cant remember or if it was just my stupidity ... i was out with my friends to eat and as drink i wanted lemonade but for some god damn reason i coudnt come up with the lemonade word so i was struggling to remember and ended up saying diet water :)))) since then it kinda  became a meme between us and we do that everytime :)))



6th. As often as possible skip rather than walk .. u have no ideea how much this annoys people.. if u and your friends even sing a random song while doing it is even better :))))


7th. This one is something i recently did ... i was rly bored at the mall while my friends were looking for clothes... ugh, going to the mall with girls to buy clothes... :)))) ... so what i did was i ran into a random store and asked what year it was .. and the one at the counter was .. um dude its 2016 ...and i was like .. *yellinh loke a idiot* YESSS IT WORKED ! And i ran out the store cheering :)))))



Hope you enjoyed it and if u have your own methods to annoy people comment below ^^


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