inbox rp (au affair plot)

Tags inboxrp 

I would like to do a plot about having an affair. I have two ideas, I'll post them below. If you have a plot you'd like to do about cheating bring it on I'm totally open to anything. If you're interested pm or comment. 

Plot a: 

Person A is in an abusive relationship with Person B. Person A has grown up with Person B and is terrified fo leaving them and being alone, that is until Person A finally graduates and gets their first teaching job. Person A meets the teacher from across the hall, Person C, someone who was in Person' A's classes all the time in college. Person C finally takes the step to get to know Person A and they fall for each other instantly. Person A keeps the affiar a secret from Person C and Person B has no clue that Person A was already taken. However the bruises and the excuses keep piling up until everything comes apart.


 Plot b:

Person A is a pathelogical liar, and no one really knows it. Person A is also with Person B and they have a perfect relationship, no problems in site and it bores Person A to death, so they take it upon themselves to go out and have some fun. Thats when they meet Person C, who they drag into their web of lies. Person C knows nothing of Person A's relationship because they hide it well.Person A tells Person C of how much they love them and want to be with them. However things begin to get more complicated as 2 years go by and Person C ends up proposing and Person B ends up pregnant. 


Plot c:

Best friends are always there for you thick and thin and you two have definitely gone through a lot, so its only natural to develope feelings for each other right? Too bad its not mutual, too bad Person B has a girlfriend and has been with her for almost a year now. But wait..why is he staring at you like that? Why is pulling you into his room, wait..why is he kissing you and most important why aren't you pulling away.


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mockery 7 years ago
omg - you still open for more pm rping?
leet19 7 years ago
I would like to do plot c with you!!
guacamole 7 years ago
i would love to do one of these with you!
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