some people man .... they really need to chill :))))


"first of all i saw you wrote on my character's wall if i want to rp , i'm planing to leave that roleplay and maybe even rpr itself so i wanted to tell you if you want to rp we could do it on a facebook roleplay since i am more active there but i am not sure i want to rp with you anymore, i just clicked on your profile and saw your picture and i saw you are one of those type of people who actually celebrate halloween ? and i really dont get why people are so stupid to want to do that, you realise you are tehnicly celebrating Satan's birthday right ? are you that happy he was born ? or you are just stupid ? i personally hate it and i never celebrated or will ever celebrate that . how could you even celebrate such a day ? and youre so proud of that and you needed to make a picture and use it as your profile picture here ? there is so much i would want to say and even use more vulgar words to you but there is no point since a 10 yealr old woudnt understand them in a first place. you think you are scarry ? you are just stupid."


and that's what i got this morning in my PM box while i was away at work :))))))

first of all ... no i dont think i'm scarry .... i think i'm a penguin (no one will ever get the joke/reference anyway lol)

and second ..... why when people want to insult you they just go for the age thing ? i mean it doesnt botther me in any way when people assume i'm just a 10-15 between there kid.... really ... it ... really doesnt bother me ... at all .... REALLY ! ... I'M NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY PISSED OFF ...................


besides ... if you look at a picture of someone who is clearly 20 something and you are like "oh he/she sure is 10" .... who is the stupid one ? 


i really dont get why some people hate holloween that much ... the only reason why i hated it as a kid was because older kids would terorise us the younger ones and they woud've got away with it cuz it was holloween .. like srsly some guy scared the out of me and my friends as a kid and my mom was like , its ok , its holloween ... but when he scared us again and i kicked him in the balls i got grounded for a week -_- ... no more holloween in that case , a mom ? ....


like srsly i wanna know , is there some religion i dont know of who hates holloween ? i mean i know what it should mean and all but i rly dont get it why hate it so much o_O. there are lots of hollydays and traditions that come along them but if we dont like the tradition we shoudnt be acting like retards .. i mean ok you dont like a certain hollyday , thats fine, the world isnt gonna end.. why making a drama out of it ? i for example hate christmas ...well more like dont like it , not HATE it ... in my village and obviously around the world as well there is a weird tradition to eat pig on christmas and if youre asking if pigs are killed on christmas and ate why am i still alive then HA joke's on you cuz i already said im a penguin not a pig .. so unless there is some hollyday i dont know where u need to eat penguin im safe. but now srsly why ? did God said .. HEY, you , my son got born go kill pigs ... :)))) no i dont think so .... or on easter did Jesus ask for people to paint eggs red ? i dont think so....and no i dont mean his eggs ... bunny eggs, NOT THAT KIND OF BUNNY EGGS ... i mean boiled chicken eggs that on easter we totally forget chicken make eggs and we all somehow have in our subconcious that eggs are from bunnies ... did you ever thought at that ? is weird how any time of the year i look at a egg and i think of chickens but on easter if i look at a egg i think of bunnies ... :))))


for me all the hollydays are the same... whatever they are silly or i hate them for a stupid reason when i actually still enjoy them :)) , for me they are all the same, honestly .but aparently not for everyone ... some of them feel the need to come to me and say im a for taking a pic with a pumpkin lantern :)))


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sicario 7 years ago
That looks like a kind of comment you'd see on youtube lmfao
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