a little bit of a serious blog

Status [M]

first of all i just want to apologize to everyone for not beeing that active with my characters i sorta took a break from rping and i dont know when i will reply and start to rp again, i know i've been active here, making blogs and all but not with my characters , just cuz i was around and didnt replied doesnt mean i dont want to rp with you anymore because i got lots of complains like, "oh if you dont want to rp just say" or stuff like "so you are active but not reply ? really nice " ... just ... no... dont please... if i am here but not reply doesnt mean i dont want to rp with you , if you act like that however i will never reply to you again. im a nice and friendly guy trying to cheer up everyone and be a good friend but if is something i hate is when people assume things about me... if you dont know me and decide to assume things about me and talk bull you dont even know please just shut the up, i know for some people i would seem really mean in this blog but honestly i just had enough, there are some amazing people here that i love to talk and reply to when they comment to my blogs and apreciate them for taking the time to read my stupidity but there are also some people that idk , i dont wanna say i hate them but most probably if they would get depressed at some point in life and decide to jump off of a building and people gather around trying to talk them into not doing it i will take a chair , a coke , some popcorn and exotic butters to go with it and shout "you have no guts to jump" and proceed to enjoy the show.

yesterday i made a blog about a anime which you might or might not know, Full metal alchemist brotherhood and this morning a friend gave me a link , didnt told me what was it just the link and i was confussed since in the link name apeared roleplayrepublic and so on ... i went to the link and it send me to a profile of someone i used to talk to, after a bit of reading on her wall and on the other person's wall she was talking to i noticed she send the other person a link to my blog of full metal alchemist and said "pfff , look who wants some attention" ... also talking about the fact i changed my name here... i dont see how changing my name or talking with friends about anime is seeking for attention if you think like that just for that reason i might say that you are stupid as balls, and besides i tought we ended the so called friendship almost a year ago, i tought you werent interested anymore... like srsly ? all this time you were still talking about me , stalking what i do ? gosh you either have nothing better to do with your life or u srsly have a problem girl go see a doctor.


Lastly , i know some of you might notice i left lots of rp's lately and part of it was because i just didnt had the time for it anymore and second cuz i didnt wanted anymore drama ..i got lots of things going on in my life already and the least thing i want to do is to have a spoiled kid who joins a rp looking for a good fapping material cuz if he actually looks at his/her mother will kill them to come and screw up my day with their childish behavior ... like i was rping with someone nice and all and some stupid joined and started to be all cocky and "badass" trying to tell my character to back off and leave alone the person i was rping to cuz its his bias and she is his now ... not only that she had no ideea what he was talking but srsly dont act like that just... srsly .. dont.. youre not cool or badass ... you are just a idiot, a ing retard who should be skinned alive , throw into a pit of salt, dragged trough rusty nails and ed by a whole hord of rhynos ... on aids... and not only that the retard managed to create drama making the admin (another retard) kick me out because quote " you are creating drama by face chasing and refusing to let other rpers have their bias" .... how .. just .... how ....HOW THE IS T..... hmmmmmm -_-" ... how the is that face chasing ? i was in that rp since last month, when i joined that ing rp was almost dead , litarally 90% of the rp was inactive, i managed to find someone active who funny fact wasnt even my bias we just enjoyed rping with eachother then this ing retard comes and create drama and i get kicked ....HOW IN THE ING IS THAT FACE CHASING ... well good job admin, you are a ing morron, go drink bleach ... i heard is good for your lungs.


not only that, but this retard gave my link to his friends that play lego in the backyard cuz to leave your parent's sight you need to be older than 10, and now they keep spaming my pm and wall ... and before you say it, yeah i do delet and block and all but just for their retard amusament they just keep making accounts even if i block them just to spam me. which i soudnt even be surprised since they have nothing better to do with their life.


so again , if i wasnt active those days or if by any chances you replied to me either here or line/kakao/facebook and i seemed a bit off or cold im sorry its just , i had enough of all those retards and honesty i'm done trying to be nice to everyone so if you know you are one of those people to talk behind my back , assume things about me and stuff like this just expect to get blocked , not get anymore replies or get deleted on any sns we talk cuz honestly i had enough of all this bull. and just because i didnt said anything to you doesnt know i dont know you talk about me , i either know and just dont care enough abt you even if you have another account/name and think i might not know... or if it happens to not know, in the end i still find out even if i dont search cuz i there are a lot of awesome people here i can trust who tells me so just follow Erza's advice and let it go ;) go get a life. off.


and for all of you awesome peeps out there , see ya next time. peace out.

love ya.


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