
heya guys ... someone just send me this one article to see what i think of it ... and im pretty sure you will know what i think of it once you read the blog


so here are some things that you should be aware of if you are in a relationship because if your significant other is doing this then youre screwed ... youre ing screwed , he/she is cheating in you and you dont even know it...... whatever lets just get into this :))


ok so it goes smt like this ...


1. if she/he reaches out to someone who is "just a friend" of anadvice or recomandation on smt he/she could easly google it because he/she feels like bantering

ok so this is pretty serious ok ? this is ed up ok ? if you have a bf or gf ... dont ing ask anyone other for advice ok ? you want a recomandation on smt ? USE GOOGLE or ask her/him ...want a advice ? well your only help is only .. ONLY your significant other mr/mrs , no outside opinions ok ? 

no srsly ... this is pretty fked up ... i mean ... i lie in the bed playing on my phone and i ask my friend what's the time , im ing lazy ok ? if i wanna see a movie and i want a recomandation i ask her , if i come across smt in life that i think i cant do it alone i ask her so yeah at first rule i fail :))) ... if beeing into a relationship means push away all your friends for your bf/gf then .... _|_ ... and srsly whoever thinks like that ... you have a problem ... if your bf/gf asks smt someone else who is the oposit of him/her doesnt mean its cheating ....



2 Following a ton of hot girls/boys on social media and beginning to feel like she/he actually knows them because she/he monitors their every post that closely.

that's not cheating that's beeing creepy :)))) get a life dude


3.Logging a girl/boy in his/her contacts folder under a code name to avoid detection when she/he call, texts, and emails

so if you have someone in your phone with smt other than their actualt name ... from the ing ID card ... youre cheating ... well nuggets ... gotta rename my mom back into "mother" in my phone :))) ....

and also ... to avoid detection ? wtf man ... when you get into a relationship you're supposed to get into a ing relationship not in the FBI HQ ... whoever feels the need to constantly check up on their partner're not made for relationships... sorry to burst your bubble but if i have a girlfriend and i have my friend in my phone named "panda poo" doesnt mean im cheating with her


4. checking another boy's/girl’s social media feeds and getting way more excited about the non-girlfriend’s/non-boyfriend's posts than he/she does about his/hers significant other's


well sounds normal right ? o_O dont see anything wrong with that


5. neglecting to mention his significant other in conversation with the friends and colleagues he/she interacts with regularly so that many of them actually think she's/he’s single

yup.. another normal thing ... if he or she uses a sentence of 5 words in which 10 words are not about you .. they are ing cheating .... yup ....

srsly i dont ing get it ... maybe is just me .. maybe im the retard one but why  does people feed the need to see their partner mention them everytime ... oh you talked to 10 friends today ? thats sweet ...oh what ? to one of them you forgot to mention me ? and what we did ? ARE YOU ING CHEATING ON ME ? YOU ING .....

jesus christ sweet cucumber ... dafuq is wrong with people nowdays ?


6. texting her/him good morning just to say good morning .... 

well ing excuse me ... what if i text someone good morning to actually tell them good evening ? a ? what then ?

i srsly dont know whatever i should laugh or be sad 


if you are in a relationship and you are like ... oh but she is talking differently today ... he is talking with someone else , she picked her nose with other finger than usual, he scratched his butthole with two fingers today ... srsly youre not made for relationships

im not saying love blindly or anything like that, is stupid ...

is one thing to love blindly and one thins to trust your partner

if you chose to trust your partner and he/she still cheats on you is not your fault that they chose to he s ok ?

if they end up cheating on you just let them be and leave, dont show emotions for someone who clearly doesnt deserves them, i know i did and it was pretty ed up... belive me showing you dont care hurts them more ... why to stress yourself and get sad because someone decided to cheat on you ? 

srsly when that first happened to me i was pretty fked up , it was bad and i let it get the best of me... she cheated yet i forgave her... after a while she did the same , old habbits die hard ... what i did ? nothing ... i stoped talking with her and when she started to write back after weeks i just ignored her or reply with things like aha ... ok ....

after a while she felt bad and decided to say that she was actually seeing someone else in the same time and she feels bad.... she was actually expecting me to be the kind of guy like oh but you told me, its ok we will figur things out ... nope ... to her reply ... srsly she kinda wrote a hole novel to me saying what happend and that she is sorry and i was like ... aham ....

then she started to yell and get mad saying im a that i dont care ... yeah, well you :)))) ...

but srsly , if it gets to the point where you feel the need to question your partner then is not gonna work

if you have hard proof they cheat yeah i understand, confront them , ask why or just simply end things and ignore it ever happened cuz its best for you.

but to get all paranoid thinking your partner is cheating just cuz he/she talks to someone else besides you thats just wrong and patethic srsly


ok and now im open up to all the and s that i will receive from people ... come, in waiting ... do your worst :)))))


p.s pls be gentle, i love you 



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urlbee 7 years ago
LOL is this from poodiepie's latest vid i feel u
blockbtob1a4men 7 years ago
I'm laughing so hard. Who tf writes this ? Do they work for the FBI or CIA? I feel like they have to. Or a mental home. Do they work at Arkham Asylum?
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