How even though?

Tags personal 

Okay so I have been on RPR off and on since I joined in 2015. I have joined, created and left mulitple roleplays. Left because people were face-chasing and making clique. Secondly because there is TOO MANY damn kink//daddy/kitten ing roleplays. Like to the point, I am worried about a good number of ya'll....and because these RPs are created with less research behind it and I can't participate in something thats just...weird cause ya'll don't really know what the it is. 

Anywho, so the answer to that was I stuck to roleplaying via PM! I only ever had confortation like once...with the whole Yoochun thing and I left that alone real quick cause some people can come out they face 100% not knowing and quite honestly if you can't talk to me like a grown adult, we don't need to be talking.

How the world do ya'll end up having drama for the mama on here? Why is it so serious? Like damn...some if it makes me laugh but then again I am confused as to why drama even starts here in the first place.

So my face be like 

but then I'm just

and I focus on doing what I love here which is making that connection with a few people and roleplaying.

Weak AF right now though. Also...where in the depths of hell did the rumor start that Taylor Swift is dating Lee Minho?

Pasty where?


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-hoe 7 years ago
i <3 u
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