New and Old RP Partners of AmbieAssassin, Please, Read Me



I just wanted to inform you all that I will be working to get my replies done as soon as possible. If you think I need a reminder, please, don't hesitate to poke me or something to remind me. Tonight was kind of busy, at least in the sense that it was like I didn't really have any sit down time, or at least not much free time to really sit down and go through and answer everything that's screaming for a reply. I'm supposed to be going to otakon and I may or may not be busy over the weekend, but I doubt I'll be gone long enough to really consider it a hiatus so it's more just like a vacation, really. I'm so sleepy. I'm getting sleepier as I type this.

Thank you for reading and please look forward to replies to myself. I'll try to get them out as soon as possible!

Thank you again!

Yours truly~<3


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dumbfoundead 6 years ago
Take your time and have fun!
UndeadVampire 6 years ago
You just answer when you feel like it :D I will wait :3
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