Personal Message




(chastity's and defiance's poppet.)
& with his last breath, he exhales fire
it's impossible not to notice him, whether you're encased by crowds, or simply stand beside him with no one else making up for the lack of human presence. his antagonistic aura might terrify many, but the sight of ed collars and diaphanous fabrics serves as a great feast for greedy eyes. taking advantage of fools is the reason why he's sempiternally safe and sound.

he believes that truth may hurt, but white lies worse. therefore, when voicing out sonorous symphonies with no caustic bite intended, he means nothing but to exhale sheer honesty. he will never spare a single lie to his dearest, rather welcoming the burden of temporary hate from the latter.

no one escapes his everlasting wit. the messages hidden behind hushed murmurs and hums are often his own way of freeing his mind of people's daily bull.

the number of years that symbolizes just for how long the resonance of a mellifluous voice haunts him; the whisper quietus that has lulled his soulmate to succumb to quietus.

nightmares filled with lusterless orbs and the words of shattered love dying upon the tip of tongue tucked between trembling lips haunt him to this very day. 

ungracious with his way of thinking, but effortlessly graceful in the art he brings to life with toned limbs and calloused fingertips that dance across deathly weapons.

he's insidious, bold and daring. he would never hesitate to strike a meretricious individual down and show them their place, if the situation calls for it.