Personal Message


monster    one   two   three

certainly a tragedy

about. if you were to write a story, with me in the lead role, it would be a tragedy

Kangjoon is one of the first clones that were ever created, and because of that, he was made with some defects. He was raised in the lab and had been in it for as long as he can remember. He supposed thats why he doesn't really feel anything anymore, being locke dup and treated as a lab rat his entire life. He along with some others of the first set of clones, were used for expirements before the other clones were made and prefected. However they deemed him well and fit enough to go on this mission, instead of experimenting on him and later killing him off because he was too flawed. They didn't know about his split personality disorder at first, or his sociopathic nature, in fact for the longest while he didn't even know about his darker half, who simply goes by the name "Jun". He discovered this side of himself when bodies started to pile up in the clan he had joined shortly after the crash. He knew he didn't feel things, and he knew that wasn't normal. But he never had any idea about the devil that lived in side of him.

Kangjoon later reasoned that he had never known about Jun, because he had never come out before. He had been living a pretty solitary life as a lab rat, but as soon as he was put on that ship and sent into space, he was finally allowed to be around other people. And once the ship crashed, and chaos followed his other half had finally decided to show himself. For the first few months, when the clan first assembled and built itself, he had seemed fine, nothing unusual, he was just normal like the rest. But eventually he started to black out, and wake up in different places than he last remembered being. Then there were people being murdered around the camp. And eventually he found the stash of weapons and other evidence that Jun had hidden, and he knew then that there was something wrong with him. But instead of being frightened, or turning himself in, he went with it, and when he accepted and learned of Jun's existence inside of him, he could remember bits and pieces of memories whenever he blacked out. 

Of course eventually he was caught, after his 8th victim, because that was when Jun had started to cannibalize his kills. Kangjoon was indifferent to it, but never partook in that nasty habit when he was in control of his body, but when Jun was in control, he would only eat his victims. Once he was caught, and the others learned that it technically wasn't his fault, that he was defected and had a disorder, they didn't kill him, they brutally beat and mutilated him, gave him a knife and two-nights worth of food and water and exiled him from the Clan, and if any of them ever saw him again, they would kill him onsight. 


Friends. how do you exactly plan to live all by yourself?

i'm wrong

Lover. it's not me who is wrong it's the world

My Soul - Mate



Trivia. a thousand minus seven is what?

Seo Kangjoon - Jun

Clone - Defected

24 y/o

ENTJ - Aquarius

Banished - Cannibal - Serial Killer

Sociopath - Split Personality

Gay - Switch - Mostly top



Plots. i won't forgive who threatens my peace

Title of Plot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus neque nisl, commodo quis odio non, auctor finibus sapien. Phasellus mollis nec libero eu sodales. Nunc faucibus scelerisque tincidunt. Morbi semper enim non lectus suscipit, eu varius justo sollicitudin. Donec ut eros id lorem vestibulum mollis id luctus purus

Title of Plot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus neque nisl, commodo quis odio non, auctor finibus sapien. Phasellus mollis nec libero eu sodales. Nunc faucibus scelerisque tincidunt. Morbi semper enim non lectus suscipit, eu varius justo sollicitudin. Donec ut eros id lorem vestibulum mollis id luctus purus


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