Personal Message

Lee Dohyeong

there are two sides to dohyeong.  one side is meek, sweet, innocent, and fearful.  the other side is the complete opposite: ual, seductive, crazy, and an exhibitionist.  it all started four years ago, when dohyeong was offered a modeling job at the age of 15.  dohyeong was happy to have a job,especially one that paid well, but things took a turn for the worse when his boss began molesting and ually harrassing him. one day, after doing a shoot with a very handsome fellow model that he had a crush on, something horrific happened.  the model asked him to hang out with him, and because he liked him, dohyeong quickly agreed. The guy took him to an abandoned motel, and just when dohyeong was starting to get suspicious, he was surrounded by his ed boss and a few strangers.   with no chanve of escape, the young boy was brutally gang until the disgusting s were satisfied, having each taken turns using his body for thier own gratification.   what hurt the most was that when he arrive home, bloody, beaten, and , his father told him it was his fault for not fighting his rapists. heartbroken, the boy locked himself in his room for days on end, wasting away as his body healed from the attack.  Finally, after thinking long and hard, the boy decided to fight back and make those bastards pay.  Stealing a knife from the kitchen, he made his way to the modeling agency and went on a killing spree, exterminating each of his rapists.  He saved the boy he used to like for last and held the knife to his throat, him before cutting his off and slitting his throat.  As the man was taking his last breath, the cops showed up and took dohyeong away, having been called by someone who found his boss dead in his office. after serving four years in jail, dohyeong began to crack up, and after being evaluated, he was finally sent to a mental hospital.  He now resides on Floor 66, waiting for someone to come and play with him...

Crazy enough to handle me
Tamed by

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ᗷEᕼIᑎᗪ TᕼE ᔕᑕEᑎEᔕ

Timezone is UTC-5.  I'm on a lot except for when I'm doing homework or busy with something, but I generally do get on everyday.  I prefer 1st pov because I'm lazy, and my 3rd pov isn't great.  I tend to start of decently long in 3rd and end up doing one and two liners.  if you really want to do 3rd we can, but you better have a damn good plot.   is totally fine since Dohyeong is single.  I'm fine with most stuff.   and violence is also fine, but I doehyong will not be the .  You may him if you'd like, but most likely he'll be fine with anyways unless his fearful side is out.

