Personal Message

 Meet Kang Seulgi. She's the yougest scientist at S Labs and a captain of a dance team. From what most people say, she was pretty successful at the age of only 22. However, that wasn't the only thing she's good at. Even if she's got a hell of a schedule, she makes sure her weekends are free so she can waste her time on things she likes like partying or going wild or getting laid ;) for example. This girl can make the good ones (Boy or Girl) bad for a weekend. As long as you need a wild night or heated weekend, Kang Seulgi is perfect for the job.


Full Name: Kang Seulgi
Orientation: Biual
Age: 22
Job: Scientist and dancer
Personality: Seulgi is a straight-forward person. She works hard so that she can achieve what she wants. She also doesn't give up so easily.
Timezone: GMT+8:00
Writing style: 1st Pov but whatever floats your boat works too :)