Personal Message


Jimin was a bit of a rebel himself but not that much of a rebel. Of course, he found enjoyment in breaking into places he shouldn't even go near but was always lucky enough to never get cauht. Well, that was until his perfect record of not getting caught was broken. 5 months ago.


Jimin was being his normal self; breaking into an abandoned and condemned warehouse to let his curiosity run wild. So he did just that. However, he soon figured out that he wasn't the only one taking interest in the warehouse. And he also soon figured out that he wasn't alone in the warehouse either. A couple people from the gang called Dragons had stumpled across him and Jimin, torn between fight and flight was too caught off-guard to react properly within the given second; leaving himself vulnerable. He was taken hostage by them and of course they debated on whether to kill him or to spare him and while they were deciding that, they decided to put Jimin to use. As their butler. Whether it would be for ual desires or simple arrands or to go "ruffle up" some who keeps grafetting their property, Jimin was always the one they'd turn to. 5 months of that. Naturally, Jimin first hated it and would constantly resist the ual advances - and since he was one good fighter, they never got far. But the months passed and Jimin began to relax and enjoy it there, for some odd reason. He felt like he was more at home with the gang than anything else. So they decided to spare him and let him stay with them; as their own personal butler or a pawn as Jimin liked to call himself.

park jimin

Name /
Park Jimin (박지민)

Age /

Gender /

position /
Butler for Dragons

