Personal Message

Name: Choi Minki

Human age: 19

Real age: 121

Creature: Kitsune

About kitsune:

Kitsune are from Japanese folklore and are Japanese foxes. A kitsune can have up to nine tails, depending on its age, wisdom and power. The only way to kill a kitsune is to cut off all of its tails, as it is said that one of the tails is its main tail and the source of all its power. Not knowing which tail is the main one, one would have to cut off all its tails to kill it.One, five, seven, and nine tails are the most common numbers in folk stories. When a kitsune gains its ninth tail, its fur becomes white or gold.

Kitsunes' have things called Kitsune balls, or star balls, which is a small white-gold ball that is a Kitsune's most prized possession, since it is almost like their life force in a ball. If you get your hands on a Kitsune's star ball, you would have the ability to control the Kitsune, and make it do your bidding. However, Kitsune hate being stripped of their freedom, and when the Kitsune gets its star ball back, there will be serious repercussions for you to deal with.

In some stories, kitsune have difficulty hiding their tails when they take human form; looking for the tail, perhaps when the fox gets drunk or careless, is a common method of discerning the creature's true nature. Variants on the theme have the kitsune retain other foxlike traits, such as a coating of fine hair, a fox-shaped shadow, or a reflection that shows its true form.


About Ren:

Ren grow up as a fox like any other kitsune. He transformed in his human form when he was 100 years old. Judging by the fact he is 126 years now, as a human he is quite young. Minki never met other creatures and he doesn't have parents. He never actually knew them. Currently he is a very cheerful guy, that is emotional, but has a sharp tongue. Here he is a slave on this island and  has no idea what other creatures could do to him, that's why he keeps his kitsune ball and treasures it deeply since if someone takes it he'll be able to control him.  Ren can be very stubborn and that makes him a challenge, but that only attracts others more.


Don't rp or romance plot if you would just leave Ren the next day. I'm so tired of that.

Jelous type: Don't even try to flirt or go around after other people cause in the end Ren will just loose faith and interest in you.



Arranged torture (0/1)

Ren woke up in an unknown place, not knowing where he is and what happened, all that surrounded him was darkness, he was feeling cold. Has no idea who kidnapped him, but the one that did do it had some plans for him.


Stolen star ball (0/1)

Ren's kitsune ball (star ball) is his most precious object and he always makes sure that it's safe, but what happens when someone stole it and wants to control him, wants to make him an obedient pet he is supposed to be.