
Couldn't be worst than this...could it?

slave to 
the beasts

Trying to outrun a life of being a slave in a cage.


ife could have been easy peasy for the young incubus whose only task was to ture creatures into participating in activities that they lusted for. A simple blow of his special fairy dust and he could make any creature bow before their cravings but he was not as self-loathing to actually participate those acts himself. Lust of intimacy, lust of being medicated, lust for the brew of the life and more. 

One uneventful day, he was cursed to this fate. A fate thta would soon be any demons fate one way or another. There was no justice in the Underworld. There was no justification when he was framed on helping angels collect souls instead of sending them to Hell. No logic behind the accusation, no high position in the hierachy of demons, he was sentenced to being injected with his own spell, he was not deny any creature that caled upon his services. He would be entranced with whatever Master that would have him. As a demon, he could not die, hence the only method of being free would be to wait for his master to pass on.



His sentencing was played out in the world above the ground where creatures he once cursed would be directed at him by other mischievous demons like he once was. He was to be treated worse than the lowest level demons. Could he outrun those creatures susceptible to easy prey?



Lee Taemin


on the run




Demon sentenced to doing what he cursed others before him to do. 

Slave of his own creations, he roams the world afraid of what would happen to him when caught. 
