Personal Message

Personality: Cold, but warmhearted if you get to know her

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Surf, Do Parkour, and Dance

Age: 20

(Hyemin wears this eyepatch when her father gave her a black eye and a scar on her right eye; making her half blind)


Park Hyemin comes from a broken family. Her dad is an alcholic and always abuse her whether with a reason or no reason ever since her mom passed away from an accident when she was 12 years old. Ever since her father became an alcholic, Hyemin has been locking herself in her room after beaten by her father everyday. 

By the age of 16, Hyemin had enough with getting beaten all the time and decides to run away. Knowing that her father is at work, she begin to pack her stuff and left the house to run away from her father.

While being away from home, a woman who is a also human like Hyemin saw her with her things, which Hyemin told her that why she ran away from home. The woman nodded and decided to take her to Knightmare Island away. 

Three years later, Hyemin was able to find a place to stay at the apartments for humans like her and kitsunes, who are also feeling troubled from their past life. She was also take online college classes  and was offered a part-time job at the mall. The owner of the apartment building told Hyemin that the humans and kitsunes will be part of the aution to be owned by other creatures, making Hyemin feel scared a little. She understood, but was worried that her new owner might hurt her like her father did to her.