Personal Message



Park Sunyoung had dreams, but who doesn't. She didn't want to make it big, no no. But she wanted to be content, happy with her life by doing the things she wanted. She never knew, by the way she aced her courses, to the courteous manner she displayed to all she helped; that she would become what she is today. Park Sunyoung is an , a hooker. It all started as a means to get by in the city so she could attend the prep school she wanted, and then a premier college. But reality hit her; and its come to the point where even pleasing strangers to the best of her ability, as well as waitressing full time; has not helped her case. She had to drop out of highschool, fake an ID and create a new life away from her home; because her new life was too shaming to be brought upon her family. So here she is now; hoping for salvation after each brutal night; not thinking about the strangers ravishing her body every eve, or even all the tables she waits each day; but for contentness to finally spread its wings over her darkened life.