
  lee sungmin    

age :: 23
birthdate :: jan 1
orientation :: gay
thoughts :: lovely day
mood :: 4/5
status :: single
Sungmin is a small sweet and cute male who paints for a living as well as working at a small cafe in the city. He was raised by his mother alone after his father died. He deals with a split personality disorder. He has one green eye and one blue eye. He does his best to keep his disorder under control but isn't always aware  when it takes over.

Sungmin has always admired Extraspecies persons because one saved him when he was a little boy. He swore to never treat anyone differently just because they are Extraspecies. He hopes to host an extraspecies person ro learn more about the world and another culture.

Sungmin is a submissive bottom. He's never had a boyfriend before and he's afraid that with his disorder he'll never find the one he's meant to love. His other personality is more of a dominant top and can be rude at times. Sungmin calls him Sungmean.

Any POV is fine. Plot or wing it is up to you. I personally love plotting. Also, I don't mind starting up our RP.
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