Personal Message




DAY ONE / hi baby. its 10 days before our first monthsary. i have so much to tell you but i try to at least tell you one of the many things i want to let you know. i am the luckiest man alive for dating you and you're a god given gift to my life. i love you forever, baby. and i want to go with you through ups and down. love you baby. o w o 

DAY TWO / baby. its the second day of of our countdown and its only a few more days before that one month anniversary. i love you very much and a month is just the start. lets look forward to the life we'll be sharinh alright? o w o 

DAY THREE / i miss you crazily when i can't see you. i miss your smile. i miss your smell. i miss your voice. its crazy how in love i am with you. do you remember the first day we met - its as if its yesterday but now were counting down towards our first monthsary and i like the fact that we're still going strong. keep in mind that i love you. and will always love you tomorrow and forever.

DAY FOUR / im nayeon- there are these kinds of days where we only talk at night. but you know what? it makes me treasure our time together as if its a miracle that we're here - still going as strong as we are. o w o and i cant believe how everyday feels like a worth-it gift everytime i end it with you. i'm so lucky to have you and please let me hold your hand til my last breath. i love you very much baby. today and til my last day. 

DAY FIVE / baby. hey we're taking our relationship further today. i hope that we'll go stronger from this day forward because i'll continue loving and worshipping you and the land you walk on. sorry- i couldn't stay long bcs of ooc brownout. i love you so much. keep that in mind baby. 

DAY SIX / this was a few hours late bcs the rain ed up the internet connection last night. but anyway- baby  i'll always love you. there are times that these things may happen but i'll always find a way to be with you. i love you and please hold my hand and bear these challenges with me. 

DAY SEVEN / hi baby. we haven't been able to communicate today but i guess that's alright. maybe you got a lot on your plate today. hmm. for me, my day was uneventful without you. do i sound like a clingy boyfriend now? forgive me love. i just miss you. haha. please always remember that at the end of the day there's a special place for you here to rest and smile. i love you baby.

DAY EIGHT / two more days and ll i've been readying for our monthsary. i need to be ready and sweep you off your feet once again. this is short but i miss you so much baby. i love you. hoping to see you soon ok? love you. 

DAY NINE / like what the picture said, your smile can cure the cancer, your heart is the state lotto jackpot, your kiss is the answer to all riddles and you being mine is the grandest miracle that can ever happen to me. one more day before DDAY. and i am so happy to still be with you from June 19 to July 19. i love you endlessly, nayeon. forever and always. 


I've never felt so alive,
But with you, I strive.
To be a worthy man,
To a beautiful and great woman.                                 
I don't know where to begin,
Is loving you too much a sin?
A month of dazzling love,
May our months together pill up.
I want nothing else but you,
May you believe it coz its true.

Every day that I'm with you
Has been better than before;
It's hard for me to even think
How I could love you more.
Every day you've graced my life
Has been full of happiness;
I love your caring face, your voice,
Your tender, sweet caress.
Every day when this day comes,
I'm filled with love and pleasure;
Happy Monthsary, Love,
My joy, my delight, my treasure

 I have too much to say and too much to be thankful for but let me start this with - I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK. I am not much of a book worm and yet I read this book once that saifd 'the often you say you love her, the deeper your feelings will develop.' I will start and end speaking to you by saying i love you for now on because I love you that much. I will hold your hand in out further anniversaries and monthsarries so baby - HAPPY MONTHSARY. YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING. Thank you for bearing with me. And lets be together for a long time okay? I love you, forever and always. 

p.s:  here is the gift, baby. happy 1st.