23 years old
 Jammin To:
Lucky One - EXO
about SEHUN
Sehun's family has been here for as long as he can remember. His great grandparents were among the original settlers and his family was among the many that grew their own food. As the town grew, many families took on different trades but the Ohs stayed the same for the most part, keeping their farm on the outskirts of the town, simply growing fruits and vegetables to sell to the town's people.

His family has always been known for keeping to themselves. It's not that they don't find themselves to be a aprt of the town at all but rather the work of being a farmer is so tedious that they wouldn't have time to participate in town discussions even if they wanted to. For that reason, it's very rare to see an Oh family member in the town, only appearing once or twice a year for only the meetings of the utmost importance and for trading deals.

Sehun has continued the tradition of keeping to himself however with his father's death and his mother's failing health, he has found the work of the farm to be solely on himself. It doesn't help that now everyone is running around crying out about the presence of evil. He, initially, doesn't take it serious, but now he finds that he might have to and because of that, he breaks the Oh's family tradition of never being seen.

You guys make my life less of a living hell :)
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some lame plots
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Title | M/F | (0/1) 
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Title | M/F | (0/1) 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.