
Name: Cha Eunwoo


Position:  Baby (Sub)

About: Eunwoo is a young run away he came from a broken home his dad was never home mostly so he didnt have to stand his annoying wife (Eunwoo's mother) or so he called her in his words. They came together due to their parenta wanting to make their business better and great. And in hopes that their marriage would get better with kids his grandparents forced them to have Eunwoo. Sadly that didn't fix anything infact at somepoint it worsened things for everyone. Eunwoo had everything he ever wanted in terms of physical and material things but what he always wanted was love something that only his parents could give but seeing that it wasn't happening he ran on search for it.

Personality:  Eunwoo is a very happy-go- lucky person he is very optimistic and is quiet hard to get down in the dumps he tries as hard as he can to make others around him in a good mood. But when he is sad, stressed or angry it can be quiet hard for him to calm down its due to his emotion of anger or sadness not coming out very often that he takes advantage of it when it gets to him.

Timezone: -5(texas)